Canadian HR Reporter - Sample Issue

November 27, 2017

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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CANADIAN HR REPORTER November 27, 2017 FEATURES 23 LOOKING FOR A SUPPLIER OR VENDOR? Visit DISABILITY MANAGEMENT Making the link between mental health and disability management An employer's role can seem ambiguous and it can be difficult to know where to start By Matt Houghton R ising employee benefits costs increasingly chal- lenge a company's abil- ity to stay competitive. is in- cludes the impact that disability claims have on overall benefits costs. To understand rising disability costs, employers must recognize the key role that mental health claims have on overall plan costs. Seventy per cent of disability costs in the workplace are attributed to mental illness and one-third of short- and long-term disability claims are related to mental health problems, according to a 2014 report from the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC). Compounding matters, em- ployees with short-term disabil- ity claims that begin as physical concerns are at an increased risk of becoming long-term mental health claimants. In any given week, 500,000 Ca- nadians are unable to work due to mental health problems or illness- es, according to the MHCC. And even five years ago, mental health problems and illnesses among working adults in Canada cost employers more than $6 billion in lost productivity from absentee- ism, presenteeism and turnover. Employers want employees to be happy, healthy and productive. But mental health and disability claims are a complex matter for any employer to manage. e em- ployer's roles and responsibilities can seem ambiguous, and it can be difficult to know where to start. If an employer feels uncom- fortable discussing an employee's mental health, imagine how diffi- cult it could be for an employee to raise the issue — many feel uncom- fortable talking to their employer about their mental illness for fear of discrimination or dismissal. Prevention options Prevention is one of the biggest ways an employer can take to in- crease employee mental wellness (and reduce claims). is can in- clude initiatives such as: • Inspiring health and wellness by providing healthy snacks and by encouraging walking or running clubs during lunch breaks or af- ter work. • Educating employees on their group benefits. Encourage em- ployees to make use of programs that support their mental and physical health such as employ- ee family assistance programs, or physical wellness services like physiotherapy and massage therapy. • Be aware of stigmas associated with disability and maintain an open mind regarding employee health concerns. Creating an open dialogue with employees will help them to feel comfort- able to discuss their symptoms early on, rather than suffering in silence. Identifying warning signs Mental health concerns can often be episodic: Employees experi- ence periods of wellness alternat- ing with those when function- ing is low. is makes it difficult to know when an employee is struggling. By intervening early and offer- ing access to proper treatment at the onset of symptoms, employ- ers can help reduce the duration and likelihood that the symptoms will have a prolonged impact on a person's well-being. It's important to remember that symptoms of a non-physical illness can vary depending on the diagnosis or person, and they can be physical, psychological or be- havioural. If the symptoms are severe enough, they can impact a person's overall functioning and hinder her ability to perform her job well. An employee who is experienc- ing symptoms of a mental illness may exhibit changes such as: fre- quent late arrivals or absences; difficulty meeting deadlines; be- haviour changes such as loss of interest, angry outbursts, prob- lems regulating their emotions, uncharacteristic signs of distrac- tion, concentration or memory problems; decreased productiv- ity; or excessively high or low en- ergy levels. Identifying these symptoms early on, and supporting the em- ployee by reminding him of the resources and treatments avail- able, can have a positive impact on the employee's health outcome or disability claim. Employer's role, responsibility Employers have both a procedural and substantive duty to accom- modate an employee's mental health concern — even if the em- ployee is not capable of expressing this need. is means the duty to accommodate can arise not only when an employee reports a men- tal illness, but also when the em- ployee exhibits apparent mental health-related problems in the workplace. It is important to ensure medi- cal confidentiality is respected. is can be achieved by focusing the conversation on an employee's capabilities and competencies re- lated to his workplace function. As an employer, it is important to work with employees to de- termine effective return-to-work strategies. Key questions employers can ask employees include: • What will allow you to be suc- cessful at your job and still have energy at the end of the day? • What can you do to successfully manage your return to work and maintain your well-being? • What can your workplace or supervisor do to support a suc- cessful and sustainable return to work for you? • How can feedback be provided to you in a positive and construc- tive way? • How should future issues be managed in a way that is positive and healthy for you? ese questions are all based around the holistic goal of sup- porting an employee with mental health concerns to be successful at his job while maintaining his well-being. ere are many no-cost and low-cost ideas that help support success for psychological health- related concerns. Mental illness often re- quires social or organizational accommodations. Some examples of how to ac- commodate an employee with mental illness include: • flexible scheduling, which may include altering start and end times and providing shorter, but more frequent, breaks • changes in supervision, which may include modifying the way instructions and feedback are given or setting up weekly meet- ings to help address problems before they become more serious • modifying specific job duties by exchanging minor tasks with other employees • using technology, such as head- phones, to block out noise or using a tape recorder to record instructions if an employee is experiencing difficulty with memory • modifying the workspace by allowing an employee to work from home or relocate to a qui- eter area of the office • removing all but essential func- tions of the job to improve concentration • breaking larger tasks into a series of smaller tasks • providing instructions in writing so employees can refer to them if they have trouble remembering • outlining clear expectations and providing written work agreements • allowing time off to attend counselling sessions or medical appointments. Establishing a mental well- ness program in the workplace is a team effort. Research indi- cates that when a company puts a strategy in place that includes commitment from all members of the organization, not just hu- man resources, the success of the program is much greater. Employers have an oppor- tunity to lead the fight against mental health stigma and ensure employees get the help they need. By providing excellent workplace support and quality employee benefits, employers can ensure those with mental health chal- lenges remain productive, healthy and happy. Matt Houghton is the Vancouver- based CEO of GroupHEALTH Ben- efit Solutions, a third-party benefits administrator. For more information, visit Credit: GrAI (Shutterstock) There are many low-cost options that support psychological health.

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