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3 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018 Effective Jan. 1, 2019: 2.5% Paid holidays: 9 days, plus St-Jean-Baptiste Day (Quebec only) and Family Day (excluding Quebec), plus 1 floater day. Vacations with pay: 15 days to start, 20 days after 4 years, 25 days after 10 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for all work after 40 hours per week. Time and one-half for all work on day off, minimum 4 hours' pay. May be taken in lieu as time off. Medical benefits: Employer pays 50% of premiums, em- ployee pays 50% of premiums for 80% for prescription drugs commonly covered by private sector plans. Dental: Employer pays 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premiums for maximum $1,000 per year for routine, ma- jor, bridges and dentures dental coverage. STD: 85% of employee's normal weekly earnings. LTD: Employees pay 100% of premiums. After 120-day wait- ing period, coverage is 62% for first $2,500 of monthly earn- ings, plus 44.5% of next $2,500 of monthly earnings, plus 40% for remainder, maximum $6,000 or 85% of employee's pre-disability take-home pay, whichever is less. AD&D: Coverage of 100% of annual earnings, maximum $100,000. Life insurance: Coverage of 100% of annual earnings, max- imum $100,000. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death in immediate family (spouse, common-law partner, father, mother, children, chil- dren of employee's spouse or common-law partner, grand- children, sisters, brothers). 3 days for death in other family (aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, mother and father of employee's spouse or com- mon-law partner). Seniority – recall rights: 12 months. Probationary period: 6 full months worked. Discipline: Sunset clause is 2 years. Severance: Minimum 2 weeks per year of service, maximum 10 weeks. Mileage: $0.45 per kilometre. Sample rates of annual pay (current): Intern: $31,500 Day cleaner: $40,000 Receptionist: $40,000 Transcriber: $40,000 Editorial coordinator: $42,500 Production assistant: $42,500 Assistant production accoun- tant: $45,000 Junior associate producer: $45,000 Junior graphic designer: $45,000 Junior motion graphics design- er: $45,000 Junior reporter: $45,000 Office coordinator: $45,000 Post-production junior audio technician: $45,000 Ad-ops coordinator: $47,500 Marketing assistant: $47,500 Marketing coordinator: $47,500 Office manager: $47,500 Post-production assistant edi- tor: $47,500 Post-production coordinator: $47,500 Post-production deliverables coordinator: $47,500 Promos coordinator: $47,500 Translator: $47,500 Associate producer: $49,500 Channel coordinator: $49,500 CMS manager, staff writer: $49,500 Community manager: $49,500 Development associate: $49,500 Equipment manager: $49,500 Graphic designer: $49,500 Junior editor: $49,500 Licensing assistant: $49,500 Marketing specialist: $49,500 Motion graphic designer: $49,500 Production coordinator: $49,500 Researcher: $49,500 Shooter: $49,500 Staff writer: $49,500 Assistant editor - editorial: $52,500 Associate producer - Daily Vice: $52,500 Audio technician: $52,500 Colourist: $52,500 Equipment supervisor: $52,500 Junior production manager: $52,500 Marketing platform analyst: $52,500 Senior graphic designer: $52,500 Senior motion graphics design- er: $52,500 Senior staff writer: $52,500 Shooter/editor: $52,500 Social media producer: $52,500 Staff reporter: $52,500 Visual researcher: $52,500 Associate editor - editorial: $56,000 Audience development plan- ner: $56,000 Graphic designer - virtue: $56,000 IT support technician: $56,000 IT systems manager: $56,000 Marketing manager, TV: $56,000 Marketing platform manager: $56,000 Producer: $56,000 Social audience development planner: $56,000 Weekend editor - editorial: $56,000 Channel manager - editorial: $61,000 Copywriter: $61,000 Digital media content manager: $61,000 Event manager: $61,000 Producer: $61,000 Producer/director: $61,000 Project manager: $61,000 Regional strategist: $61,000 Senior digital media content manager: $61,000 Senior strategist: $61,000 Story editor: $61,000 Verticals editor: $61,000 Rights and clearances supervi- sor: $67,000 Art director: $67,000 Channel supervisor: $67,000 Development executive: $67,000 Post-production manager: $67,000 Production manager: $67,000 Senior channel supervisor: $76,500 Senior project manager: $67,000 Director, production financing: $76,500 Managing editor: $76,500 Supervising producer: $76,500 Editor's notes: Emergency leave: Employees who have completed 3 months of employment are entitled to 10 paid days off work per year — job protected — for personal emergency leave. Cellphone allowance: Employees who are required to extensively use mobile device can request monthly mobile phone allocation of $70 or amount of monthly invoice, whichever is lower. TRANSPORTATION Essex Terminal Railway Company Multiprovince (3 yardmasters) and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2017, to Dec. 31, 2019. Signed on July 25, 2017. Shift premium: $0.50 per hour to all employees whose regular- ly assigned shifts begin between 2:30 p.m. and 10:29 p.m. $0.55 per hour for those beginning shifts between 10:30 p.m. and 6:29 a.m. Paid holidays: 11 days, includ- ing 2 floater days. Vacations with pay: 1 day per 25 days, maximum 10 days to start (if worked more than 30 days), 1 day per 16 2/3 days after 5 years, 1 day per 12 1/2 days after 10 years, 1 day per 10 days after 19 years, 6 weeks after 28 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for working more than bul- letined hours in work week. Time and one-half for employee required to work 2 shifts in 24- hour period for second shift. Meal allowance: $10 toward overtime meal if working more than 10 hours in one shift. If 2 shifts worked in 24-hour per- iod, $10 meal allowance for 16 hours or more. CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS < from pg. 1