Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.
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3 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018 premiums, employee pays 35% of premiums. Discipline: Sunset clause is 18 months from date disciplin- ary action was recorded in file or when employee has taught equivalent of 1 full credit, whichever occurs first. Sample rates of pay (current, after 1.8% increase): Base minimum stipends $14,354 for full-course; $7,177 for half-course Effective Sept. 1, 2018: $14,612 for full-course; $7,306 for half- course Editor's notes: Working conditions: Departments will provide employees with: workspace and use of other facilities, services and equipment; library, computing and audio-visual facilities; allocation of classrooms equipped with com- puter, audio visual and multimedia equipment, including VCR and data projector; office supplies, access to email, printing, photocopying, and mail services; telephone with voicemail to conduct university business and listing in electronic information directory. Professional development fund: Employer will provide fund of $90,000 per year for teaching-related professional development activities. TRANSPORTATION St. John's International Airport Authority St. John's (91 airport employees) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Renewal agreement: Effective Dec. 21, 2017, to Dec. 31, 2021. Signed on Dec. 21, 2017. Shift premium: $1.70 per hour (previously $1.50 per hour) for all work, including overtime hours, between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m. $1.70 per hour (previously $1.50 per hour) for all work, including overtime hours, on Saturdays or Sundays. Paid holidays: 12 days. Vacations with pay: Non- firefighters: 1 1/4 days per month to start, 1 2/3 days per month after 7 years, 2 1/12 days per month after 17 years, 2 1/2 days per month after 25 years. Firefighters: 11 shifts per year to start, 14 shifts per year after 7 years, 18 shifts per year after 17 years, 21 shifts per year after 25 years. May be carried over to following year, maximum 1 year's credit. Overtime: Time and one-half for all work after regular hours, double time after 6 hours for non-FR group employees. Double time for firefighters and non-FR group employees work- ing on second and subsequent days of rest. May be taken as leave with pay. Meal allowance: $12 (previ- ously $11) after 3 hours of over- time, where free meals are not provided. Medical benefits: Employer pays 100% of premiums. For those hired after March 9, 2003: Employer pays 70% of premi- ums, employee pays 30% of premiums. Sick leave: 1 1/4 days per month. For firefighters: 11/12 of shift per month. Bereavement leave: 4 days for death in immediate family (father, mother, stepfather, step- mother, foster-parent, brother, sister, spouse, child, child of common-law spouse, stepchild, ward, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, relative residing in employee's household). Additional 3 days if travel required. 1 day for death of niece, nephew, brother-in- law, sister-in-law. 1 day to at- tend funeral where employee has been asked to actively par- ticipate in conduct of service (pallbearer, eulogy, reader). Call-in pay: Greater of 3 hours' pay at applicable overtime rate or applicable rate of overtime for time worked. Probationary period: 6 months. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months. Safety shoes: $125 per year, may be carried over, maximum $250 for CSA-approved foot- wear. Uniforms/clothing: Employer will provide all needed uni- forms and protective clothing. Employer will provide safety hats, safety eyewear protection, protective gloves, safety vests, hearing protection. Employer will clean parkas once annually or as needed. Mileage: $0.49 per kilometre — maximum 50 kilometres — when employee reports for overtime work. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 12.5% in- crease): Band 1 Step 1: $26.33 rising 5 steps to $29.64 Step 2: $27.39 rising 5 steps to $30.84 Step 3: $28.48 rising 5 steps to $32.07 2 Step 1: $27.39 rising 5 steps to $30.84 Step 2: $28.48 rising 5 steps to $32.07 Step 3: $29.62 rising 5 steps to $33.35 3 Step 1: $28.49 rising 5 steps to $32.08 Step 2: $29.63 rising 5 steps to $33.36 Step 3: $30.81 rising 5 steps to $34.69 4 Step 1: $30.20 rising 5 steps to $34.00 Step 2: $31.40 rising 5 steps to $35.35 Step 3: $32.66 rising 5 steps to $36.77 5 Step 1: $32.00 rising 5 steps to $36.03 Step 2: $33.28 rising 5 steps to $37.47 Step 3: $34.62 rising 5 steps to $38.98 6 Step 1: $35.37 rising 5 steps to $39.82 Step 2: $36.78 rising 5 steps to $41.41 Step 3: $38.25 rising 5 steps to $43.07 7 Step 1: $38.37 rising 5 steps to $43.20 Step 2: $39.91 rising 5 steps to $44.93 Step 3: $41.51 rising 5 steps to $46.74 8 Step 1: $42.98 rising 5 steps to $48.39 Step 2: $44.70 rising 5 steps to $50.33 Step 3: $46.49 rising 5 steps to $52.34 Editor's notes: Wash-up time: Where employer determines that due to nature of work, wash-up time is needed, maximum 10 minutes will be permitted before end of working day and before lunch period. Standby pay: One-half hour of pay for each 4 hours or portion on standby. Parking: Employer will provide free parking in designated areas to all employees. CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS < from pg. 1 Standby pay: One-half hour of pay for each 4 hours or portion on standby.