Canadian Labour Reporter

April 30, 2018

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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5 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS $33.53 Sr. technologist Step 1: $34.26 rising 3 steps to $35.23 OT/PT Step 1: $31.46 rising 3 steps to $32.35 Communications coordinator/ IT IDS analyst/project coor- dinator/contract specialist/ CH&E coordinator/CH&E spe- cialist/research coordinator Step 1: $31.01 rising 3 steps to $31.88 Dietitian Step 1: $30.42 rising 3 steps to $31.28 Registered technologist Step 1: $29.87 rising 3 steps to $30.71 Communications associate/IT programmer/analyst/librarian/ finance coordinator/archivist Step 1: $29.24 rising 3 steps to $30.07 Counsellor/therapist 1/behav- iour therapist Step 1: $29.24 rising 3 steps to $30.07 Animal facilities, lead-hand Step 1: $24.39 rising 3 steps to $25.08 Lifeguard Step 1: $16.45 rising 3 steps to $16.91 Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 1.4% increase): System architect Step 1: $41.27 rising 2 steps to $41.84 Sample rates of hourly pay (current): Research analyst Step 1: $23.1 1 Editor's notes: Computer/VDT monitors: After each hour of continuous operation of computer monitor, operator will be relieved for 5 minutes in which operator will perform other job-related duties. Standby pay: $3.50 per hour for employee on standby and available for call-back duty for holidays or minimum $5 for 8-hour period on standby. CULTURE Red Deer & District Museum Society Red Deer, Alta. (24 museum employees) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 417-06 Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2018, to Dec. 31, 2018. Ratified on March 19, 2018. Signed on April 9, 2018. Paid holidays: 13 days. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks or 6% after 1 year, 4 weeks or 8% after 6 years, 5 weeks or 10% after 11 years. Up to 8 years of service: 5 days of vacation can be brought forward; after 8 or more years of service: 10 days of vacation can be brought for- ward. Overtime: Time off in lieu for all hours worked in excess of 37.5 hours per week or 7.5 hours per day. Time and one- half for all hours worked in excess of 44 hours per week or 9 hours per day. Medical benefits: Employer pays 100% of premiums. $400 per employee per year for HSA and wellness account. Dental: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Vision: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Sick leave: 1.5 days or 11.25 hours per month, maximum 18 days. After employee has used 9 sick days, doctor's note will be required for all subsequent sick days. STD: Employee pays 100% of premiums. LTD: Employee pays 100% of premiums. AD&D: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums for coverage of $85,000. Pension: Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP). If em- ployees are not eligible to participate in LAPP, employer contributions for replacement pension/RRSP plan will be equal to contributions to LAPP. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death in family (spouse, adult interdependent partner, common-law partner, children (and partner/spouse), current or former foster-children and partner/spouse, current or for- mer wards, parents, stepparent, current or former guardians and partner/spouse, current or former foster-parents, siblings, half-siblings, stepsiblings and partner/spouse, grandchildren, stepgrandchildren and partner/ spouse, grandparents, step- grandparents, aunts, uncles, stepaunts, stepuncles, nieces, nephews, person employee isn't related to but considers to be like close relative). Seniority – recall rights: 6 months. Call-in pay: Minimum of 2 hours at time and one-half or time and one-half for all hours worked, whichever is greater. Probationary period: 3 months or 500 hours of work, whichever occurs first. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months. Sample rates of annual pay (current): Coordinator Step 1: $48,652.50 Step 2: $49,744.50 Step 3: $50,817 Step 4: $51,889.50 Step 5: $52,981.50 Step 6: $54,054 Step 7: $55,126.27 Technician Step 1: $42,217.50 Step 2: $43,153.50 Step 3: $44,089.50 Step 4: $45,045 Step 5: $45,981 Step 6: $46,917 Step 7: $47,853 Support Step 1: $32,116.50 Step 2: $32,838 Step 3: $33,559.50 Step 4: $34,261.50 Step 5: $34,983 Step 6: $35,704.50 Step 7: $36,426 Editor's notes: Long-service recognition: $25 after 5 years of service; $50 after 10 years; $75 after 15 years; $100 after 20 years; $125 after 25 years. TRANSPORTATION Ken Johnson Trucking Provincewide, British Columbia (37 drivers) and Teamsters Local 31 Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2018, to Dec. 31, 2020. Signed on Dec. 18. 2017. Shift premium: $2.50 per hour to instructional drivers while training. $0.50 per hour for any employee holding first-aid certificate recognized under workers' compensation board regulations who is designated by company to carry out duties of first-aid attendant, class C. Paid holidays: 11 days. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks or 4% after 1 year, 120 hours or 6% after 3 years, 160 hours or 8% after 9 years, 200 hours of 10% after 15 years, 240 hours or 12% after 21 years. Overtime: Double time for all work after 8 or 10 hours per day or 40 hours per week (exclusive of daily overtime). Meal allowance: When

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