Canadian Labour Reporter

June 11, 2018

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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June 11, 2018 4 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS sander Start: $12.43 rising 3 steps to $12.93 3 mos: $13.43 rising 3 steps to $13.98 12 mos: $14.40 rising 3 steps to $14.98 18 mos: $15.06 rising 3 steps to $15.66 24 mos: $15.71 rising 3 steps to $16.34 Editor's notes: Humanity fund: Employer will contribute $0.01 per hour to USW humanity fund. Lifeline Founda- tion: Employer will contribute $5 per employee per year to Lifeline Foundation. TRANSPORTATION Black Ball Transport Victoria (6 traffic directors) and Teamsters, Local 31 Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2018, to Dec. 31, 2018. Signed on March 22, 2018. Paid holidays: 11 days. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks or 4% after 1 year, 3 weeks or 6% after 3 years, 4 weeks or 8% af- ter 9 years, 5 weeks or 10% after 15 years, 6 weeks or 12% after 22 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for work after 8 hours per day, double time after first 2 hours of overtime or on Sunday or holi- day. Triple time after 8 hours on Sunday or holiday, quadruple time after 10 hours. Time and one-half for first 8 hours on rest day, double and one-quarter time thereafter, triple time after 10 hours. Meal allowance: Paid time to eat meal at overtime rates after 2 hours overtime. Medical benefits: Employer pays 100% of premiums for Teamsters' National Benefit Plan. Dental: Employer pays 100% of premiums Weekly indemnity: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Sick leave: 1/2 day per month, maximum 30 days, after 1 year of employment. LTD: Employer pays 100% of premiums. AD&D: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Pension: Employer pays $6 per hour per employee into Team- sters B.C. Master Employees Pension Plan. Bereavement leave: 3 days for death in immediate family (spouse, mother, father, sons, stepsons, daughters, step- daughters, brothers, sisters, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandfathers, grandmothers, spouse's grandparents. Step- father, stepmother, provided stepfather or stepmother had status of employee's father or mother). Seniority – recall rights: 6 months, 12 months after 5 years of seniority. Probationary period: 120 days of employment. Discipline: Sunset clause is 12 months. Severance: 1.5 weeks of pay per year of service, maximum 52 weeks. Uniforms/clothing: Employer will furnish uniforms, coveralls at no cost to employees. No employee will be disciplined or discharged for refusing to wear uniform or coveralls that are not clean or do not fit properly or that do not bear union label. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 2% increase): Traffic director full-time: $25.63 rising 1 step to $26.15 Traffic director full-time lead- hand: $29.54 rising 1 step to $30.65 Traffic director permanent part-time: $23.53 rising 1 step to $24 Traffic director part-time: $22.48 rising 1 step to $23.05 Sample rates of hourly pay (current): New-hire rate for part-time: $19.75 Editor's notes: Industry fund: Employer will contribute $0.05 per hour into Teamsters Local No. 31 Union/Industry Advancement Fund. GOVERNMENT orhild County orhild, Alta. (45 municipal workers) and the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Local 955 Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2018, to Dec. 31, 2021. Ratified on Dec. 4, 2017. Signed on Feb. 6, 2018. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2018: 1.25% or 2017 annual CPI for Alberta, whichever is greater Effective Jan. 1, 2019: 1.5% or 2018 annual CPI for Alberta, whichever is greater Effective Jan. 1, 2020: 1.75% or 2019 annual CPI for Alberta, whichever is greater Effective Jan. 1, 2021: 2% or 2020 annual CPI for Alberta, whichever is greater Paid holidays: 12 days plus 1 Christmas floater day. Vacations with pay: 15 days to start, 20 days after 5 years, 21 days after 11 years, 22 days after 12 years, 23 days after 13 years, 24 days after 14 years, 25 days after 15 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for all work after regular hours. May be banked, maximum 50 hours, and must be taken with- in 1 year from date worked. Medical benefits: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Dental: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Sick leave: 1.5 days per month, maximum 75 days. LTD: Employee pays 100% of premiums. AD&D: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Pension: Employer will con- tribute 8.25% of earnings into union's pension trust plan. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death in immediate family (father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, spouse, child, stepchild, father- in-law, mother-in-law, son-in- law, daughter-in-law, spouse's grandparent, person who res- ides in household of employee). Seniority – recall rights: 12 months. Probationary period: 90 days worked. Discipline: Sunset clause is 36 months. Severance: 2 week's pay per year of service, maximum 43 weeks. Safety shoes: $200 per year, in- cluding GST, for CSA-approved safety boots. Uniforms/clothing: Employer will provide 1 pair of summer coveralls per year; 1 pair of win- ter coveralls every 2 years. Once per year, employer will replace 1 pair of summer coveralls. Tool allowance: $600 per year for mechanics who provide own tools for work done with employer.

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