Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.
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7 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS CULTURAL INDUSTRIES Hamilton Public Library Board Hamilton, Ont. (140 librarians, drivers, technicians, clerical staff ) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 932 Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2017, to Dec. 31, 2020. Signed on Jan. 30, 2017. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2017: 2% Effective Jan. 1, 2018: 2% Paid holidays: 11 days, plus 1 floater holiday. Overtime: Time and one-half for all work after 70 hours in 2-week period. May be taken as time off in lieu, no later than 3 months from date it was earned. Double time for work related to bookmobile driver's regular schedule. Meal allowance: $7 when em- ployee is required to work over- time on particular day which was not prescheduled and which would result in employee working more than 9 consecu- tive hours per day. $8 for book- mobile employees assigned to work on vehicle and who are entitled to meal break. Medical benefits: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Dental: Employer pays 100% of premiums for coverage of Lib- erty Health Dental Plan #9. Vision: $375 (previously $300) every 24 months (includes prescriptive lenses, frames, eye examination by optometrist). Paramedical: Maximum $300 per person per year (previously $200 per person per year) for chiropractic. Maximum $1,000 per year for physiotherapy. LTD: Employer pay 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premiums for 66 2/3% of normal monthly earnings, maximum $3,500 for long-term illnesses, sicknesses (excluding work-related) that are in excess of 26 weeks. Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums for coverage of 2-times salary. Pension: Employer, employee will make contributions to Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death in immediate family (spouse, child, stepchild, par- ent, stepparent). 3 days for death of ward, guardian, fos- ter-parent, parent-in-law, sister, stepsister, brother, stepbrother, niece, nephew, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, sister- in-law, brother-in-law, daugh- ter-in-law, son-in-law. 2 days for attendance at funeral, crema- tion, memorial, burial that takes place at later date. 2 additional days when funeral, burial, cre- mation, memorial service hap- pens outside of Ontario. Seniority - recall rights: 24 months. Probationary period: 90 work- ing days. Discipline: Sunset clause is 12 months, 18 months for regular part-time and call-in employ- ees. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 2% increase): Mail-service support clerk Step 1: $20.56 rising 1 step to $20.97 Step 2: $21.77 rising 1 step to $22.21 Step 3: $22.98 rising 1 step to $23.44 Step 4: $24.19 rising 1 step to $24.67 Driver, handyman/custodian - branches/cleaner, custodian - central/departmental clerk/ clerical support - blocks/day- time cleaner/clerical, ship, cus- todian/shipping, del, circ clerk Step 1: $21.46 rising 1 step to $21.89 Step 2: $22.72 rising 1 step to $23.18 Step 3: $23.98 rising 1 step to $24.46 Step 4: $25.25 rising 1 step to $25.75 Circulation clerk/serials clerk/ info clerk - bookmobile/info clerk - community/info clerk - neighbourhood/info clerk/col- lections ILLO and clerical Step 1: $24.72 rising 1 step to $25.22 Step 2: $26.18 rising 1 step to $26.70 Step 3: $27.63 rising 1 step to $28.19 Step 4: $29.09 rising 1 step to $29.67 Bookmobile driver, clerk/librar- ian assistant/digital technol- ogy tech/financial assistant/ archives technician/digitiza- tion clerk/library technician - clerical/library technician, children's/library technician, neighbhd/library technician - tech serv/library technician, chld - brnch/public service pro- grammer Step 1: $28.19 rising 1 step to $28.75 Step 2: $29.85 rising 1 step to $30.44 Step 3: $31.51 rising 1 step to $32.14 Step 4: $33.16 rising 1 step to $33.83 Bookmobile driver, clerk/vol- unteer coordinator/librarian assistant - neighbhd/archives technician/disability info serv and prog asst/planning, devel- opment officer/digital technol- ogy assistant/communications officer/librarian assistant - cen- tral/librarian assistant - branch- es/web graphic assistant/acqui- sitions and serials specialist Step 1: $31.86 rising 1 step to $32.49 Step 2: $33.73 rising 1 step to $34.40 Step 3: $35.60 rising 1 step to $36.32 Step 4: $37.48 rising 1 step to $38.23 ELS tech - hardware, software/ ELS integrated lib serv analyst/ ELS analyst, developer/ESL supervisor - LINC/facilities maintenance tech, elect/senior communications officer Step 1: $32.66 rising 1 step to $33.31 Step 2: $34.58 rising 1 step to $35.27 Step 3: $36.50 rising 1 step to $37.23 Step 4: $38.42 rising 1 step to $39.19 Archivist/ELS network applica- tion analyst/cataloguing librari- an/extension services librarian/ collection librarian/community librarian/community youth librarian/senior planning and development officer Step 1: $35.11 rising 1 step to $35.81 Step 2: $37.17 rising 1 step to $37.92 Step 3: $39.24 rising 1 step to $40.02 Step 4: $41.30 rising 1 step to $42.13 Editor's notes: Citizenship leave: Employee is entitled to up to 4 hours off, without loss of pay, to complete citizen- ship application (interview, swearing-in ceremony). Hearing aids: $300 every 36 months. Meal allowance: $8 for bookmobile employees assigned to work on vehicle and who are entitled to meal break.