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7 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS departments where no assistant manager is appointed). $0.40 per hour for each scheduled hour dedicated to performing cash-office duties (will include opening, closing, running front- end department). Paid holidays: 11 days. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks after 1 year, 3 weeks after 3 years, 4 weeks after 8 years, 5 weeks after 13 years, 6 weeks after 18 years. Overtime: Time and one-half after 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week. Double time after first 2 hours of overtime. Medical benefits: Employer will contribute $0.98 per hour (previously $0.68 per hour) to benefit plan administered by the CLAC Health & Welfare Trust Fund (Western Canada). Effective Oct. 2018: $1.01 per hour. Effective Oct. 2019: $1.04 per hour. Effective Oct. 2020: $1.07 per hour. Effective Oct. 2021: $1.10 per hour. Employer will pay 100% of Alberta Health Care premiums. Dental: Basic services: 80% reimbursement, maximum $2,000 per person per year. Comprehensive: 50% reim- bursement, maximum $2,000 per person per year. Ortho- dontic: 50% reimbursement, maximum $3,000 lifetime maximum per child younger than 19. Vision: $300 per year for per- sons younger than 21; $300 every 2 years for persons older than 21. Sick leave: Sick pay at 80% of regular hourly rate for first 48 hours after 3 months of service. LTD: 60% of earnings, max- imum $1,500 per month, pay- able after 119 days. AD&D: Coverage $50,000. Life insurance: Coverage $50,000. Pension: Christian Labour Association of Canada Pension Plan. Employer will make 3% contribution for those with 0 to 2,000 seniority hours; 4% con- tribution for those with 2,001 to 4,000 seniority hours; 5% con- tribution for those with 4,001 to 6,000 seniority hours; 6% con- tribution for those with 6,001 or more seniority hours. Bereavement leave: Minimum 1 day, maximum 1 week for death in immediate family (spouse, child, brother, sister, mother, father, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandchildren, stepsiblings, stepparents, step- children, any relative living in household of employee). 1 day for death of aunt, uncle, nephew, niece. Seniority – recall rights: 6 months. Call-in pay: Minimum 4-hour shift (unless employee requests shorter shift). Probationary period: 300 hours of work or 6 months, whichever occurs first. 360 hours for employees hired in first 6 months of new store opening Uniforms/clothing: Employer will provide and repair protect- ive gear, smocks, aprons to em- ployee. Employer will provide 2 uniform shirts to unrestricted employees; 1 uniform shirt to restricted employees. Addition- al shirts required by employee can be purchased from employ- er at cost, maximum $12 per shirt. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after increase): Department specialist (hours) 0: $13.60 rising 1 step to $15 501: $13.65 rising 1 step to $15.05 1,001: $13.70 rising 1 step to $15.10 1,501: $13.75 rising 1 step to $15.15 2,001: $13.80 rising 1 step to $15.20 2,501: $13.85 rising 1 step to $15.25 3,001: $13.90 rising 1 step to $15.30 3,501: $13.95 rising 1 step to $15.35 4,001: $14 rising 1 step to $15.40 4,501: $14.05 rising 1 step to $15.45 5,001: $14.30 rising 1 step to $15.50 5,501: $14.65 rising 1 step to $15.55 6,001: $15.35 rising 1 step to $15.60 6,501: $15.70 rising 1 step to $15.80 7,001: $16.05 7,501: $16.40 8,001: $16.80 8,501: $17.10 9,001: $17.55 rising 1 step to $17.75 Sales and service specialist (hours) 0: $13.60 rising 1 step to $15 501: $13.65 rising 1 step to $15.05 1,001: $13.70 rising 1 step to $15.10 1,501: $13.75 rising 1 step to $15.15 2,001: $13.80 rising 1 step to $15.20 2,501: $13.90 rising 1 step to $15.30 3,001: $14 rising 1 step to $15.40 3,501: $14.50 rising 1 step to $15.50 4,001: $14.60 rising 1 step to $15.60 4,501: $14.70 rising 1 step to $15.70 5,001: $14.80 rising 1 step to $15.80 5,501: $15.05 rising 1 step to $15.90 6,001: $15.85 rising 1 step to $16 6,501: $16.10 rising 1 step to $16.20 7,001: $16.45 rising 1 step to $16.55 7,501: $16.80 rising 1 step to $16.90 8,001: $17.15 rising 1 step to $17.25 8,501: $17.50 rising 1 step to $17.60 9,001: $18.15 rising 1 step to $18.35 Service clerk (hours) 0: $13.60 rising 1 step to $15 501: $13.65 rising 1 step to $15.05 1,001: $13.70 rising 1 step to $15.10 1,501: $13.75 rising 1 step to $15.15 2,001: $13.80 rising 1 step to $15.20 2,501: $13.90 rising 1 step to $15.30 3,001: $14 rising 1 step to $5.40 3,501: $14.10 rising 1 step to $15.50 4,001: $14.20 rising 1 step to $15.60 4,501: $14.30 rising 1 step to $15.70 5,001: $14.40 rising 1 step to $15.90 5,501: $15.05 rising 1 step to $16.05 6,001: $16.40 rising 1 step to $16.60 6,501: $18.35 rising 1 step to $18.70 Sample rates of hourly pay (current): Lead specialist (hours) 0: $15.60 501: $16 1,001: $16.40 1,501: $16.80 2,001: $17.20 2,501: $17.70 3,001: $18.20 3,501: $18.70 4,001: $19.55 4,501: $20.30 rising 1 step to $20.60 Pharmacy assistant (hours) 0: $16.60 501: $16.85 1001: $17.10 1,501: $17.35 2,001: $17.70 2,501: $17.95 3,001: $18.25 3,501: $18.55 4,001: $18.85 4,501: $19.15 5,001: $19.60 5,501: $20.05 6,001: $20.80 rising 1 step to $21.10 Lump-sum payment: $65 with 6 years of seniority; $100 with 9 years of seniority; $200 with 12 years of seniority; $300 with more than 12 years of seniority. Editor's notes: Staff meetings: Employees required to attend store for mandatory staff meeting will be compensated minimum 1 hour's pay. Employees will not be compensated for voluntary dinner meetings and employees will not be asked to attend more than 4 dinner meetings per year. Training fund: Employer will contribute $0.03 per hour (previ- ously $0.05 per hour) to CLAC Local 301 Education and Training Fund Staff meetings: Employees required to attend store for mandatory staff meeting will be compensated minimum 1 hour's pay.