Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.
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Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018
September 24, 2018
Jack had been experiencing at-
tendance troubles for years: on
Dec. 20, 2012, he was terminated
after an absence. But on Jan. 10,
2013, he was reinstated (after
signing a last-chance agreement)
when the company found out
about the stress that had caused
the earlier absenteeism.
In 2015, two letters were en-
tered into Jack's personnel file
after he exceeded the limit of six
absences in 12 months. However,
the letters were not considered
On June 21, 2016, Jack was
warned by Maritime Paper that a
medical certificate was required
for all days off, and any further
violations could be grounds for
In a letter, Jack was told he
"must attend a physician's office
on the day of your illness, the note
must be dated for that day, and
it must clearly indicate that you
were seen on that day and that you
were unable to attend work due to
medical reasons."
On July 10, 2017, Jack was told
that because his attendance had
not improved, more detailed doc-
tor's notes would have to be sub-
mitted for any further illnesses.
After he refused to bring in a
note, Jack was suspended for two
days. He was warned that any fu-
ture absences might result in ter-
But on Jan. 10, 2018, Jack was
terminated. "You have been re-
peatedly warned and reminded
of the requirement to bring in a
note for your medical absences.
Despite these warnings and a sus-
pension, you failed once again to
comply with this requirement,"
said the letter of dismissal.
The union, Unifor, Local 1520,
grieved the firing and argued it
was too harsh a response.
Jack testified the reason he
didn't obtain the certificate on Jan.
5 was because a snowstorm para-
lyzed the roads and the public was
warned to minimize travel, so he
didn't go to the doctor.
The note was dated Jan. 4, in-
stead of Jan. 5, due to an error on
Jack's part as he worked the mid-
night-to-8 a.m. shift and was con-
fused about the exact date of the
Maritime Paper argued that
Jack's letter did not provide the re-
quired information, which meant
it was insubordination on his part.
Arbitrator Augustus Richard-
son upheld the grievance and or-
dered the company to back-pay
Jack from May 26 and substitute
the termination for a two-week
"The employer never seriously
contested (Jack's) evidence that
he was indeed sick on Jan. 5, 2018,
and that was the reason for his
absence from work that day," said
However, Jack didn't fully fol-
low the employer's orders with the
note and for that he should have
been disciplined.
"I am accordingly satisfied
that (Jack's) failure to make any
attempt to comply with the em-
ployer's instruction of June 2017
regarding the requirements for
a medical certificate was insub-
ordinate. The instruction was
clear. (Jack) understood it. It was
given by a person in authority who
was entitled to give it. And (Jack)
failed to make any effort to com-
ply with it prior to his return to
work on Jan. 8," said Richardson.
Reference: Maritime Paper Products and Unifor, Local 1520. Augustus Richardson — arbitrator. Roch Leblanc for the
employee. Sept. 7, 2018. 2018 CarswellNS 636
Toronto Police on July 29 and he
was charged with assault and ag-
gravated assault.
On July 31, Hatch's father called
Brad Whittock, supervisor, and
told him about the absence. When
he was asked if Hatch was sick, his
father said he didn't know.
The next day, his father again
called Whittock and told him the
same thing. But on Aug. 3, Hatch's
lawyer contacted Whittock and
another supervisor and explained
what had happened to Hatch.
The lawyer said he was at-
tempting to arrange bail and he
was hopeful Hatch could return to
work the following week.
But on Aug. 8, Hatch hadn't re-
turned to work. Whittock then
called Hatch's father and said, "It
was extremely important that the
grievor call the City as soon as he
was able."
Hatch had limited access to a
pay phone while incarcerated.
Between Aug. 9 and Aug. 25,
there was no further contact be-
tween the City and Hatch or his
representatives. He was fired on
Aug. 25.
Hatch was eventually released
on Dec. 5 and he was ordered to
obey a peace bond for 12 months
as a result of the charges.
The union, Toronto Civic
Employees' Union, Local 416 of
the Canadian Union of Public
Employees (CUPE) grieved and
argued the employer knew Hatch
was in jail and had limited access
to a phone.
But the employer countered
and said that because Hatch didn't
provide written notice and he was
absent for more than 10 days, the
dismissal was justified.
The collective agreement called
for an employee to lose employ-
ment if "he is absent without writ-
ten notice and without a satisfac-
tory reason to the City in excess
of ten (10) calendar days from the
commencement of absence."
Arbitrator Matthew Wilson
agreed and dismissed the griev-
"As the stipulated facts make
clear, (Hatch) did not provide
written notice of his absence nor
did he provide an explanation for
his absence. There was nothing
for the City to consider at the time
the termination letter was issued
to the grievor. Thus, I conclude
that (Hatch's) employment was
properly terminated pursuant to
article 27.06 (iii) of the collective
The blame was due to Hatch's
own actions, according to the
"(Hatch's) limited access to
a telephone while he was in jail
is not persuasive since he could
have easily advised his lawyer or
his father that the City should be
updated on the details of his ab-
sence," said Wilson.
"If that occurred, the City
would have to persuade me that
the reason was not satisfactory as
that term is used in article 27.06.
But, that did not occur as no rea-
son was ever provided to the City,"
said Wilson.
"At some point during that per-
iod, it was incumbent on (Hatch),
either himself or through his
agents, to advise the City of the
reason for his absence."
"At the very least, once he was
denied bail and was aware that
his incarceration was being ex-
tended, he had an obligation to
notify his employer either dir-
ectly or through his agents," said
Reference: City of Toronto and Toronto Civic Employees' Union, Local 416. Matthew Wilson — arbitrator. Swarna
Perinparajah for the employer. Kiran Kang for the employee. Aug. 27, 2018.
No written explanation for absence presented by employee