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June 3, 2019 4 Canadian HR Reporter, a HAB Press business 2019 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS $1,126.90 rising 4 steps to $1,564.61 Senior office clerk level 2: $1,126.90 rising 4 steps to $1,564.61 Customer-service advisor: $1,149.67 rising 4 steps to $1,596.72 Energy service advisor: $1,149.67 rising 4 steps to $1,596.72 Senior office clerk level 3: $1,149.67 rising 4 steps to $1,596.72 End-user support rep.: $1,151.01 rising 4 steps to $1,598.22 Electrical-service inspector: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Engineering tech. level 2: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Facilities tech. level 1: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Field tester: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Plant-damage-prevention inspector: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Project scheduler: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Rates technician: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Research assistant: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Scada/DMS sys. tech.: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Senior office clerk level 4: $1,182.94 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 Plant locator: $1,186.36 rising 4 steps to $1,647.72 Demand clerk: $1,195.78 rising 4 steps to $1,660.34 Lab technician: $1,197.15 rising 3 steps to $1,596.03 Telecom analyst: $1,238.40 rising 5 steps to $1,807.96 Customer-service billing spe- cialist: $1,271.64 rising 5 steps to $1,856.99 General-service billing special- ist: $1,271.64 rising 5 steps to $1,856.99 Accounting clerk level 3: $1,271.64 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 $1,856.99 Engineering tech. level 3: $1,271.64 rising 5 steps to $1,856.99 Fleet technical clerk: $1,271.64 rising 5 steps to $1,856.99 Material analyst: $1,271.64 rising 5 steps to $1,856.99 Meter technician: $1,271.64 rising 5 steps to $1,856.99 Programmer/analyst: $1,271.64 rising 5 steps to $1,726.84 $1,856.99 Scada technician: $1,271.64 rising 5 steps to $1,856.99 Editor's notes: Driver's licence: Cost of driver's licence for employees who are required to operate employer vehicles and employees who are authorized to operate own automobile will be paid by employer. Cost of medical exams for employees required to have AZ or DZ licence will be paid for by employer. Hearing aids: $3,500 every 5 years, including repairs and batteries. Standby: 3 hours' at straight-time pay for each day on standby on weekend, public holiday; time and one-half hours at straight-time pay for other weekdays on standby. SENIORS HOMES e Canterbury Foundation Edmonton (180 servers, dishwasher, housekeeping, maintenance staff, driver, receptionist, aides, cooks, clerks, coordinators, nurses) and the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE), Local 047 Chapter 013 Renewal agreement: Effec- tive Jan. 1, 2018, to Dec. 31, 2020. Ratified on May 31, 2018. Signed on Oct. 29, 2018. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2020: Wage re- opener for wage grid only Shift premium: $2.25 per hour (previously $2 per hour) for all hours worked between 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. provided more than 2 hours are worked in this period. $2.75 per hour (previ- ously $2.50 per hour) for all hours worked between 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. provided more than 2 hours are worked in this pe- riod. $2 per hour (previously $1.75 per hour) for all hours worked between 3 p.m. Friday to 7 a.m. Monday provided more than 2 hours are worked in this period. Paid holidays: 11 days. Vacations with pay: 10 days or 4% after 1 year, 15 days or 6% after 5 years, 20 days or 8% after 10 years, 25 days or 10% after 15 years, 30 days or 12% after 20 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for all work after 7.75 hours per day or 77.75 hours per 14-day period. Medical benefits: Employer pays 55% of premiums, employ- ee pays 45% of premiums. Dental: Employer pays 55% of premiums, employee pays 45% of premiums. Sick leave: 1 day per month, maximum 12 days. LTD: Employee pays 100% of premiums. AD&D: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Pension: Employer will con- tribute matching funds of 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% to employer admin- istered, employee self-directed RRSP for employees. Bereavement leave: 3 days for death in immediate fam- ily (spouse (same or opposite gender including common-law who has co-habitated with em- ployee for at least 1 year), child, parent, stepparent, siblings, stepbrother, stepsister, current in-law relationships (including mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter), grandparents, grandchildren). 1 day for death of other relative. Additional 2 days for travel in excess of 500 kilometres 1 way. Seniority – recall rights: 12 months. Probationary period: 522 reg- ular hours worked, exclusive of overtime hours. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months. Severance: 1 week after 3 months of service; 2 weeks after 2 years of service; 4 weeks after 4 years of service; 5 weeks after 6 years of service; 7 weeks after 8 years of service; 10 weeks after 10 years of service. Safety shoes: $100 per year for CSA-approved safety footwear. Uniforms/clothing: If em- ployer requires employees to wear special apparel (colour/ style) employer will pay $40 per year to each employee on July 1 of each year. Sample rates of pay (current): Dining room/summer relief/ student dining room servers Step 1: $14.74 Step 2: $15.49 Step 3: $16.05 Step 4: $16.64 Step 5: $17.23 Step 6: $17.85 Step 7: $18.54 Dishwasher/housekeeping Step 1: $15.49 Step 2: $16.05 Step 3: $16.64 Step 4: $17.23 Step 5: $17.85 Step 6: $18.54 Custodian/junior maintenance technician Step 1: $15.97 Step 2: $16.56 Step 3: $17.16 Step 4: $17.80 Step 5: $18.45 Step 6: $19.14 Beauty salon/driver (activities)/ receptionist/non-medical com- panion Step 1: $17.56 Step 2: $18.22 Step 3: $18.87 Step 4: $19.60 Step 5: $20.33 Step 6: $21.07 Home care aides (HCA)/station cooks/unit clerks Step 1: $19.26 Step 2: $19.94 Step 3: $20.61 Step 4: $21.34 Step 5: $22.07 Step 6: $22.84 Step 7: $23.61 Accounting clerk/activities coordinator Step 1: $19.91