Canadian Labour Reporter

July 8, 2019

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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Editor's notes: Parking: Each employee will be provided with 1 outdoor parking space. Professional development/ travel expense fund: Employee will be reimbursed $1,600 per year (previously $800 per year) for expenditures which are related to research and professional development or for subsidizing costs of travel associated with teaching, professional or research interests ($800 for each employee appointed to teaching term). Moving expenses: Employee who is newly appointed or transferred will receive, maximum 1-way economy air fare plus transportation costs to airport, for employee, spouse, children from place of residence prior to appointment or transfer to normal place of employment. Employer will pay, minimum 75% of cost of moving household for employee appointed to tenured or tenure-track appointment or term appointment of 2 years or longer. HOTELS Fairmont Regional Linen Service Canmore, Alta. (51 attendants, ironers, operators, drivers, maintenance personnel) and Unifor, Local 4050 Renewal agreement: Effective Nov. 1, 2018, to Oct. 31, 2021. Ratified on Jan. 11, 2019. Signed on Nov. 30, 2018. Wage adjustments: Effective Nov. 1, 2018: 2% Effective Nov. 1, 2019: 2% Effective Nov. 1, 2020: 2% Shift premium: $0.75 per hour for employee who provides training to another employee. Paid holidays: 12 days. Vacations with pay: 1 day per month, maximum 10 days, or 4% after 30 days, 2 weeks or 4% after 1 year, 3 weeks or 6% after 3 years, 4 weeks or 8% after 9 years, 5 weeks or 10% after 20 years, 6 weeks or 12% after 30 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for all work after 8 or 10 hours per day or 40 hours per week. Medical benefits: Fairmont Hotels Group Benefit Plan. Em- ployer pays 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premi- ums to start. Employer pays 90% of premiums, employee pays 10% of premiums after 3 years of service. Employer pays 100% of premiums after 4 years of service Dental: $1,400 maximum benefit per year. 100% coverage for preventive services, basic services; 50% coverage for major services. Vision: $350 every 24 months; $75 every 12 months for eye exams. Paramedical: $1,200 (previ- ously $1,000) combined maxi- mum per year ($350 maximum per practitioner). $300 per year for orthopedic shoes, orthotic inserts. Weekly indemnity: 70% of reg- ular weekly earnings, maximum up to weekly insurable earnings as defined by Employment In- surance Act. Sick leave: 1 hour for each 81 regular hours paid per year, maximum 24 hours (previously 3 days per year). AD&D: Coverage of $60,000 (previously $45,000). Life insurance: Coverage of $60,000 (previously $45,000). Pension: Employer, employee will contribute 3.2% to Fair- mont Hotels Pension Plan. Bereavement leave: 4 days for death of spouse, child, stepchild. 3 days for death of mother, father, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, grand- parents, spouse's grandparents, grandchildren, son-in-law, daughter-in-law. 1 day for death of brother-in-law, sister-in-law. Seniority – recall rights: 12 months. Call-in pay: Minimum of 2 hours' pay at time and one- half for employee of mainte- nance department. Probationary period: First 800 regular, overtime hours worked (or 5 months of service) for maintenance department employees; first 400 regular, overtime hours worked (or 3 months of service) for non- maintenance department employees. 2 additional days if funeral takes place more then 150 kilometres outside of Can- more. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months for disciplinary let- ters, notice of suspension. Safety shoes: $200 every 2 years for drivers, maintenance department employees for purchase of 1 or 2 pairs of safety shoes. Uniforms/clothing: Employees who wear uniform or coveralls will have it supplied by employ- er free of charge. Uniforms will be laundered by employer. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 6% increase): Dry cleaning department Fabricare attendant 1 Start rate: $19.19 rising 3 steps to $20.36 Rate after 3 months: $20.25 rising 3 steps to $21.49 Rate after 6 months: $20.78 rising 3 steps to $22.05 Rate after 12 months: $21.31 rising 3 steps to $22.61 Fabricare attendant 2 Start rate: $17.59 rising 3 steps to $18.67 Rate after 3 months: $18.57 rising 3 steps to $19.71 Rate after 6 months: $19.07 rising 3 steps to $20.24 Rate after 12 months: $19.57 rising 3 steps to $20.77 Finishing department Checker Start rate: $16.68 rising 3 steps to $17.70 Rate after 3 months: $17.58 rising 3 steps to $18.66 Rate after 6 months: $18.05 rising 3 steps to $19.15 Rate after 12 months: $18.52 rising 3 steps to $19.65 Attendant/ironers Start rate: $15.91 rising 3 steps to $16.88 Rate after 3 months: $16.78 rising 3 steps to $17.81 Rate after 6 months: $17.24 rising 3 steps to $18.30 Rate after 12 months: $17.65 rising 3 steps to $18.73 Attendant/towels Start rate: $15.91 rising 3 steps to $16.88 Rate after 3 months: $16.78 rising 3 steps to $17.81 Rate after 6 months: $17.24 rising 3 steps to $18.30 Rate after 12 months: $17.65 rising 3 steps to $18.73 Washing department Tunnel control operator Start rate: $19.19 rising 3 steps to $20.36 Rate after 3 months: $20.25 rising 3 steps to $21.49 Rate after 6 months: $20.78 rising 3 steps to $22.05 Rate after 12 months: $21.31 rising 3 steps to $22.61 Washperson Start rate: $16.58 rising 3 steps to $17.59 Rate after 3 months: $17.50 rising 3 steps to $18.57 Rate after 6 months: $17.96 rising 3 steps to $19.06 Rate after 12 months: $18.42 rising 3 steps to $19.55 Washfloor attendant Start rate: $15.91 rising 3 steps to $16.88 Rate after 3 months: $16.78 rising 3 steps to $17.81 Rate after 6 months: $17.24 rising 3 steps to $18.30 Rate after 12 months: $17.65 rising 3 steps to $18.73 Transportation department Driver Start rate: $19.43 rising 3 steps to $20.62 Rate after 3 months: $20.53 rising 3 steps to $21.79 Rate after 6 months: $21.06 rising 3 steps to $22.35 Rate after 12 months: $21.60 rising 3 steps to $22.92 Maintenance department Maintenance specialist 1 Start rate: $30.77 rising 3 steps to $32.65 Rate after 3 months: $32.22 rising 3 steps to $34.19 Rate after 12 months: $36.56 rising 3 steps to $38.80 Apprentice maintenance Specialist 1 First year: $30.77 rising 3 steps to $32.65 Second year: $31.85 rising 3 steps to $33.80 Third year: $32.91 rising 3 steps to $34.92 Fourth year: $33.96 rising 5 Canadian HR Reporter, a HAB Press business 2019 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS

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