Canadian Labour Reporter

June 22, 2020

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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Editor's notes: Industry fund: Employer will pay $6 per month for each employee to union's industry advancement fund. Personal leave: Employer will grant 6 unpaid days per year to employees for personal leave. Days may be taken in single or multiple days. Bilingual service: Each shift will have maximum 3 employees who provide bilingual service (French, English) at domestic screening area; maximum 2 employees providing service at international screening area. Any new screening point that is activated will require minimum 1 bilingual agent for every 2 lines. Extra skills, requirements: When employer requires employee to take first-aid course — or course of any other type — actual time spent taking course will be work time; will be paid at straight-time rate. Parking: Employer will pay 100% of cost of staff parking at Winnipeg International Airport. Where employee does not require parking, employee will be paid equivalent of cost of parking, biweekly, as transportation allowance. For employees hired after Jan. 23, 2016, cost of employee parking, transportation allowance will be shared 50/50 by employee and employer. Out-of-town work: $75 per day to each employee, inclusive of day of departure and day of return to Winnipeg. Air fare, hotel expenses will be arranged and paid by employer. SENIOR CARE Rivercrest Care Centre Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. (98 aides, accounting, maintenance, kitchen, housekeeping employees, clerks) and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union (USW), Local 1-207 Renewal agreement: Effec- tive Aug. 1, 2019 to July 31, 2022. Ratified on Nov. 18, 2019. Signed on Nov. 18, 2019. Wage adjustments: Effective year 1: $150 lump sum for full-time, part-time; $50 for casual Effective year 2: Wage reopener Effective year 3: 1% Shift premium: $0.50 per hour to staff members training new staff during own shift. $1 per hour, maximum current rate of supervisor, when employer designates regular employee to assume position of existing supervisor, on temporary basis, assignment is for 1 full shift or longer. $2.30 per hour for shift when majority of hours fall dur- ing 56-hour period beginning at 3 p.m. on Friday (or start of eve- ning shift if later than 3 p.m.) to 11 p.m. on Sunday. $1.75 per hour when majority of hours fall between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m. daily. $2 per hour when major- ity of hours fall between 11 p.m. and 7:15 a.m. daily. Paid holidays: 11 days. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks or 4% to start, 3 weeks or 6% after 6,265 hours worked, 4 weeks or 8% after 14,617 hours worked, 5 weeks or 10% after 20,880 hours worked, 6 weeks or 12% after 37,585 hours worked. Overtime: Time and one-half for all work 7.5 hours per day or 37.5 hours per day or for employee who starts new shift within 8 hours of completing previous shift. Meal allowance: Employer will provide 1 free meal for that shift when employee is called in for work on short notice (2 hours' notice or less). Medical benefits: Employer pays 50% of premiums, em- ployee pays 50% of premiums (maximum employer contribu- tion $60 per month for single participant; $125 for family plans). Employer pays 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premiums for Alberta Health Care Plan. Sick leave: 1 day for every 174 worked hours; may be accumu- lated, maximum 12 days (may be carried over year to year). After 10,000 hours of work, em- ployee will receive 1 personal health day after 1,840 hours of work (after third day is earned, employee will receive 1 day af- ter 1,680 hours of work). Pension: Employer contribu- tion will be 3 hours of pay monthly at regular rate of pay, which shall be matched by em- ployee into RRSP. Bereavement leave: 3 days for death of children, parents, brother, sister, husband, wife, common-law, same-sex part- ner, mother-in-law, father-in- law, grandchild, grandparents, guardian, daughter-in-law, son- in-law. 2 days for death of sister- in-law, brother-in-law. Seniority – recall rights: 12 months for layoffs Probationary period: First 522 worked hours or 3 months, whichever comes first. May be extended, maximum 256 worked hours. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months for letters of warning or discipline. Sample rates of hourly pay (current): Health-care aide Probation (0 to 522 hours worked): $17.76 Level 1 (523 to 1,950 hours worked): $18.25 Level 2 (1,951 to 3,901 hours worked): $18.80 Level 3 (3,902 to 5,852 hours worked): $18.94 Level 4 (5,853 to 7,803 hours worked): $19.17 Level 5 (7,804 to 9,754 hours worked): $19.72 Level 6 (9,755 to 12,528 hours worked): $20.62 Level 7 (12,529+ hours worked): $21.65 Physio/occupational-therapy/ recreation aide Probation (0 to 522 hours worked): $16.60 Level 1 (523 to 1,950 hours worked): $17.08 Level 2 (1,951 to 3,901 hours worked): $17.64 Level 3 (3,902 to 5,852 hours worked): $17.76 Level 4 (5,853 to 7,803 hours worked): $18.01 Level 5 (7,804 to 9,754 hours worked): $18.56 Level 6 (9,755 to 12,528 hours worked): $19.44 Level 7 (12,529+ hours worked): $20.48 All other support/dietary/ housekeeping/laundry Probation (0 to 522 hours worked): $16.01 Level 1 (523 to 1,950 hours worked): $16.26 Level 2 (1,951 to 3,901 hours worked): $16.43 Level 3 (3,902 to 5,852 hours worked): $16.62 Level 4 (5,853 to 7,803 hours worked): $16.92 Level 5 (7,804 to 10,440 hours worked): $17.52 Level 6 (10,440+ hours worked): $18.05 Physio assistants Probation (0 to 1,950 hours worked): $20.55 Level 1 (1,951 to 3,901 hours worked): $21.28 Level 2 (3,902 to 5,852 hours worked): $22 Level 3 (5,853 to 7,803 hours worked): $22.72 Level 4 (7,804 to 9,754 hours worked): $23.75 Level 5 (9,755 to 12,528 hours worked): $25.80 Level 6 (12,529+ hours worked): $25.80 Maintenance/ward clerk/recep- tion/accounting Maintenance: $24.18 Reception/accounting: $22.65 Ward clerk: $22.08 Cooks/dietary supervisor/ housekeeping Dietary supervisor: $21 Cooks: $20.38 Housekeeping laundry supervi- sor: $20.54 Editor's notes: Floater day off: Employer will provide to each employee who has worked minimum 10,000 hours of work, 1 day off with pay. Employer will provide 1 further day off with pay each time employee has worked additional 1,840 hours of work. After third floater day, employee will receive additional day after 1,680 hours of work. Income protection: Payable when employee is absent from work due to debilitating disease or injury which is not compensable under Workers' Compensation June 22, 2020 Canadian HR Reporter, a HAB Press business 2020 6 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS

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