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Issue link:
July 6, 2020
three-quarters of a full-time
equivalent position.
In September 2017, Lorenzen
made another request for ac-
commodation in a permanent
day-shift position, supported by
information from her physician
stating she was unable to work
night shifts because of an illness.
However, the hospital deter-
mined it couldn't accommodate
her permanently in unit 4E4 as
it was developing a new shift
rotation that would change all
12-hour shifts and the ratio of
RNs to licensed practical nurses
in the unit. In addition, it was
already accommodating two
people on straight day shifts in
the unit and said it couldn't have
anyone else working straight
days without creating an "unsus-
tainable workload for the unit
manager in rebalancing lines"
and "challenges in sustaining safe
RN staffing levels on nights."
In December 2017, a vacancy
in the hospital's pediatric car-
diac intensive care unit opened
that involved day shift work, so
the hospital held the position for
Lorenzen. She transferred to the
unit three months later in early
March 2018.
Lorenzen matched up well
with the new position and the
hospital felt the other unit
would benefit from her expe-
rience and skill, but the union
filed a grievance over the trans-
fer. It claimed that the hospi-
tal could have accommodated
Lorenzen on unit 4E4, where
she had worked for 10 years,
and transferring her violated
the collective agreement and
discriminated against her with
respect to the terms of her em-
ployment set out in her offer let-
ter for the position on 4E4.
The arbitration board noted
that while the interests of an
employee seeking accommo-
dation by remaining in their
original position is "a factor to
consider," the law didn't require
employers to establish undue
hardship in "a local accommo-
dation" before considering oth-
er options such as a transfer. If it
did, it would create a "two-step
process" where "a local accom-
modation with disruption just
short of undue hardship would
prevail over other options that
could be achieved with far less
disruption" that would distort
the accommodation process
that involves a balance of the in-
terests of both the employer and
employee, said the board.
The board found that the hos-
pital's reasons for denying per-
manent accommodation in unit
4E4 for Lorenzen were legiti-
mate, stating that although Lo-
renzen was temporarily accom-
modated on her regular unit, the
staffing was out of balance and it
wasn't sustainable after the staff-
ing rotation was changed to meet
patient needs.
The board also found that the
hospital met its duty to accom-
modate by temporarily accom-
modating Lorenzen on unit 4E4
until it found a more permanent
option on another unit, and then
assigning her to that position.
"We find it was open to the
employer, after weighing its
ability to accommodate within
unit 4E4, and finding significant
hardship, to look for other alter-
natives that met her needs but
with far less impact on its insti-
tutional and patient care needs,"
said the board.
Reference: Alberta Health Services and UNA. Andrew Sims, Jacquie Wolff, Blair Bukmeier — arbitrators. Monica
Bokenfohr for employer. Katie McGreer for union. May 6, 2020. 2020 CarswellAlta 1112
Transfer reasonable due to lesser impact on staffing: Arbitrator
P.E.I. worker didn't qualify for absence after taking second job
was applying for general leave
of up to three months without
pay, as provided for in the collec-
tive agreement. However, Gillis
wanted more than three months
Canada Post looked at wheth-
er Gillis ought to be granted "care
and nurturing leave" instead —
another type of leave in the col-
lective agreement for employees
with pre-school aged children.
It could last until the employee's
children were school age — up
to five years — but employees
couldn't have another job during
that time.
The union was concerned that
if Gillis took care and nurturing
leave, it would restrict her ability
to take a part-time job. Gillis ap-
plied for general leave from April
3 to July 3, which was approved.
Gillis found a six-month tem-
porary job during her leave and
sent her children to daycare
when she was working.
In June 2016, Gillis submitted
a request for another six-month
leave starting on July 3, making
no reference to the type of leave
but entering the code for "fam-
ily responsibilities." Canada Post
denied the request due to staff-
ing issues that had arisen from
"annual leave congestion."
Despite the fact that her re-
quest was denied, Gillis didn't
report to work on July 4 and she
didn't inform Canada Post of her
absence. Canada Post sent her a
letter and left messages requir-
ing her to show up or face pro-
gressive discipline up to and in-
cluding dismissal.
Gillis didn't respond, so Cana-
da Post sent her a second notice
requiring her attendance or a
satisfactory explanation for her
absence. A third letter stated that
it was possible she had intended
the request to be for care and
nurturing leave, but because she
had another job she was ineli-
gible. It ordered her to report by
July 18 or be dismissed.
Gillis then applied for care and
nurturing leave for six months,
but the application was rejected.
Canada Post gave Gillis one more
chance to report but she didn't,
so it dismissed her on July 20.
The union grieved the dismissal,
claiming Canada Post failed to
respond to Gillis' needs and her
entitlement to leaves under the
collective agreement.
The arbitrator found that Gil-
lis met the conditions for general
leave, but she was working at an-
other job when she applied for
the care and nurturing leave —
contrary to its purpose.
"The plain meaning of the lan-
guage describing the leave in the
context of a duration of up to five
years (which is the normal age
at which children go to school),
leads me to the conclusion that
the purpose of the leave is to
enable a parent who works for
Canada Post to get leave to allow
them to personally stay at home
and rear their children," said the
arbitrator, noting that many par-
ents have to work and put their
children in daycare, but the care
and nurturing leave was specifi-
cally for the purpose of staying
home with children.
The arbitrator also found that
Canada Post could deny leave re-
quests based on operational re-
quirements, as it did in this case.
There were staffing issues and
Gillis' position as a relief letter
carrier was specifically intended
to help with that type of situa-
Since Canada Post gave Gillis
multiple opportunities to report
to work or explain her absence
and she failed to comply, the ar-
bitrator determined that the cor-
poration had grounds to termi-
nate her employment.
Reference: CUPW and Canada Post. Bruce Archibald — arbitrator. Emily Rahn, Karen Campbell for employer.
Jim Gallant for union. April 27, 2020. 2020 CarswellNat 2011