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2: $27.84 rising 3 steps to $28.91 Facilities maintenance worker 3: $29.08 rising 3 steps to $30.20 Facilities maintenance worker 4: $31.61 rising 3 steps to $32.83 Recreation facilities operator: $24.13 rising 3 steps to $27 Recreation facilities lead: $27.84 rising 3 steps to $30.35 Instructor: $18.38 rising 3 steps to $19.09 Lifeguard: $18.38 rising 3 steps to $19.09 Lifeguard/instructor L1: $18.68 rising 3 steps to $19.63 Lifeguard/instructor L2: $20.16 rising 3 steps to $20.94 Lifeguard 3 (modified): $20.58 rising 3 steps to $21.37 Lifeguard/instructor L3: $25.60 rising 3 steps to $26.84 Lifeguard/instructor L4: $27.12 rising 3 steps to $30.76 Aquatic coordinator L4: $30.77 rising 3 steps to $31.95 Pool receptionist: $18.38 rising 3 steps to $19.09 Pool administrative assistant: $25.45 rising 3 steps to $26.43 Editor's notes: Standby: 1 hour of regular pay for each 5 hours on standby. Any employee may use employer vehicle dur- ing standby shift for responding to call-ins. Training: Employer will pay cost of academic or technical course required by employer. Employee may apply for costs or cost sharing for other courses. Prescription safety glasses: $400 over 2-year pe- riod for prescription safety glasses. Access to facilities: Employees, family members (spouse (including common-law); their children younger than 18; their children younger than 21 with student ID) will be given free access to Peace Regional Pool and Baytex Energy Centre during public access times (public swims, public skating, drop-in fieldhouse programs). Should employer discontinue access, employees will be reimbursed, maximum $400 per year, for membership in fitness centre. BACKING PLATE MANUFACTURER BACKING PLATE MANUFACTURER UTIL Canada Vaughn, Ont. (182 manufacturing employees) and Unifor, Local 112 Renewal agreement: Effec- tive June 1, 2019 to May 31, 2022. Ratified in July 2019. Signed June 1, 2019. Wage adjustments: Effective June 1, 2019: 6.6% Effective June 1, 2020: 1.6% Effective June 1, 2021: 1.5% Effective Jan. 1, 2022: 3% Shift premium: $0.65 per hour ($1 per hour for skilled trades) for all hours on af- ternoon shift (3 p.m. to 11 p.m.). $3.15 per hour ($4 per hour for skilled trades) for all hours on night shift (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.). $1 per hour for lead-hands. $750 per year (prorated for partial years) for employees in classification of primary machine operator and primary machine opera- tor 2 who perform setup. Paid holidays: 10 days. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks to start, 3 weeks after 5 years, 4 weeks after 10 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for work in excess of 40 hours per week, all hours on Sat- urdays and Sundays. Double time for hours on Sundays if 4 hours of overtime have al- ready been worked that week. Double time for hours worked on statutory holidays. Medical benefits: Employer pays 100% of premiums for group benefits plan. Pension: Employer will con- tribute $0.15 per hour (previ- ously $0.10 per hour) to DPSP. Effective June 1, 2021: $0.30 per hour. Optional group RRSP. Bereavement leave: 4 con- secutive paid days for death of spouse, child, parent. 3 con- secutive paid days for death of stepchild, sibling, stepparent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling-in-law. Seniority – recall rights: Greater of 24 months or length of employee's senior- ity for layoffs; 60 days if em- ployee accepts position with employer, outside bargaining unit Call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours for call-in after com- pleting normal scheduled hours of work and leaving company property. Probationary period: 520 hours. Discipline: Sunset clause is 12 months. Safety shoes: $135 reim- bursement. Effective Jan. 1, 2021: $140 reimbursement. Sample rates of pay (cur- rent, after 4.5% increase): Quality coordinator: $27.49 rising 2 steps to $28.24 QC inspector: $21.11 rising 2 steps to $21.86 Primary machine operator: $18.19 rising 2 steps to $18.94 Primary machine operator 2: $17.93 rising 2 steps to $18.68 Secondary machine operator: $16.87 rising 2 steps to $17.62 Material handler/shipping, receiving: $16.65 rising 2 steps to $17.40 Building maintenance packag- er/order picker sorter: $16.34 rising 2 steps to $17.09 Tool and die maker: $28.90 rising 2 steps to $29.65 Machinist/CNC programmer/ EDM programmer/grinder/ special projects: $28.34 rising 2 steps to $29.09 Millwright electrician: $28.90 rising 2 steps to $29.65 Apprentices First 1,000 hours: 60% of jour- neyperson wage rate Second 1,000 hours: 65% of journeyperson wage rate Third 1,000 hours: 70% of journeyperson wage rate Fourth 1,000 hours: 75% of journeyperson wage rate Fifth 1,000 hours: 80% of jour- neyperson wage rate Sixth 1,000 hours: 85% of journeyperson wage rate Seventh 1,000 hours: 90% of journeyperson wage rate After 7,281 hours: 95% of journeyperson wage rate (Employees whose wage rates (preratification) are greater than $2 above job-rate will not receive increases, but will receive lump sum) Year 1: $1 x regular hours worked or regular hours paid Year 2: $0.50 x regular hours worked or regular hours paid Year 3: $0.50 x regular hours worked or regular hours paid (Employees whose wage rates (preratification) are between $0.01 to $2 above job rates will receive increases through combination of wage-rate increases (where required to bring them to job rate) with difference made up through lump sum calculated by mul- tiply difference by regular hours worked in period. If employee's wage rate remains above job rate after increase, employee will receive value of increase as lump sum by multiplying increase by em- ployee's regular hours worked in period) Editor's notes: Reporting pay: Minimum 4 hours of pay if no work and not told previous day not to report. Safety shoes: $135 reimbursement. Effective Jan. 1, 2021: $140 reimbursement. 7 Canadian HR Reporter, a HAB Press business 2020 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS