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COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS pay for at least 10 days, maxi- mum 85 days. Pension: Northern Employee Benefits Services (NEBS) pen- sion plan. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death in immediate fam- ily (father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, common-law spouse, child, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law brother-in- law, sister-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, any relative resid- ing in employee's household). 1 day for death of aunt, uncle, niece, nephew. Seniority – recall rights: 12 months for layoffs. Call-in pay: Greater of com- pensation at overtime rate for all hours worked or 4 hour's pay at straight-time rate. Probationary period: 1 year from day upon which employee is first hired by employer or 6 months after employee has been transferred or promoted. Discipline: Sunset clause is 18 months for document or writ- ten statement related to disci- plinary action which may have been placed on personnel file of employee. Safety shoes: Maximum $200 per year. Uniforms/clothing: Employer will provide parka, wind pants (or thermal coveralls) to em- ployee whose job requires pro- longed or frequent exposure to extreme temperature and dirty working conditions; specifically labourers, arena workers, dog catchers, mechanics. Employer will provide winter waterproof insulated gloves to labourers, dog catchers; winter insulated gloves to arena staff, mechan- ics; summer gloves to all la- bourers (less frequent number of pairs to operators mechan- ics); rain suits to labourers. Tool allowance: Maximum $200 when employee wishes to purchase hand tools to perform duties. Sample rates of hourly pay (current): Step 1 Trades and labour Heavy equipment mechanic: $36.64 HEO airport maintainer: $30.31 Municipal truck driver: $27.70 Municipal worker: $22.07 Custodial worker: $17.48 Arena manager/maintainer: $27.67 Asst. arena manager/main- tainer $22.18 Maintenance: $35.32 Trades helper: $17.32 Office and clerical Clerk 1: $28.20 Clerk 2: $32.04 Bylaw officer: $22.08 Lands officer: $26.71 Economic development officer: $32.78 Community liaison officer: $25.97 Recreation coordinator: $29.42 Alcohol and drug coordinator: $24.39 Alcohol and drug worker: $16.93 Sample rates of pay (current): Apprentice journey-level rates 4-year training programs Year 1: 55% Year 2: 65% Year 3: 75% Year 4: 85% 3-year training programs Year 1: 60% Year 2: 70% Year 3: 80% 2-year training programs Year 1: 65% Year 2: 80% 1-year training programs Year 1: 70% Editor's notes: Vacation travel assistance: All employees and dependants older than 2 years old on vacation leave will be entitled to cash payment of $2,500 (previously $2,250), maximum of $10,000 (previously $9,000) per employee, once each fiscal year. Special leave: Employee will earn leave credits, maximum 20 days at rate of 1 day for each month in which they re- ceived pay for at least 10 days. Wellness reward: Employee who does not use any sick leave credits for any period of 6 months will be entitled to 1 day of leave with pay (benefit cannot be taken in cash). Hunting, fishing, harvesting leave: In order to meet traditional hunting, fishing, harvesting pursuits, 4 days leave, without pay, may be given and not unreasonably denied with at least 1 day of notice; employees with sufficient special leave credits may elect to receive all or part of 4 days of hunting, fishing, harvesting leave without pay, as special leave with pay. Plug-in allowance: $10 per week for employees residing in privately owned housing or renting dwelling for which utilities are not subsidized; $5 per week for all other employees, when employee is required to bring vehicle of employer at residence between November and April inclusively. Standby: $25 for each 8 consecutive hours or portion thereof on standby; $30 for each 8 consecutive hours or portion thereof on days of rest and designated paid holidays. Housing allowance: $7,229.61 per year (previously $7,122.77 per year). Effective April 1, 2022: $7,319.98. AVIATION SERVICES ASIG Canada dba Menzies Aviation Calgary (64 mechanics, fuellers, facility, utility employees) and Teamsters, Local 362 Renewal agreement: Effective May 3, 2021 to May 2, 2022. Signed on June 14, 2021. Shift premium: $0.40 per hour for all hours worked between 4 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. $0.55 per hour for all hours worked be- tween 12:01 a.m. and 8 a.m. for full-time and full-time floater employees (shifts commencing between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. will not be entitled to midnight- shift premium). Employer will have option of giving neces- sary time off with pay or giving employee opportunity to work at time and one-half when employee completes period of work that would not allow 8 hours off duty before start of next scheduled shift. Minimum of 4 hours at higher rate (if em- ployee works at higher rate for more than 4 hours, employee will be paid higher rate for whole shift) if employee works at classification of higher rate for more than 2 hours. $1 per hour if employer requires any member of fueling staff to uti- lize class 1 driver licence during daily duties; $0.25 per hour if employer requires any member of fueling staff to utilize class 3Q driver licence during daily duties. $1 per hour for facility person who have successfully completed training in auto- motive repair; $0.25 per hour for facility person who have successfully completed 1 year of automotive maintenance apprenticeship program; $0.50 per hour for facility person who have successfully completed 2 years of automotive mainte- nance apprenticeship program; $0.75 per hour for facility per- son who have successfully com- pleted 3 years of automotive maintenance apprenticeship program; $1.50 per hour for facility person who have suc- cessfully completed training in heavy duty maintenance. Paid holidays: 10 days. Vacations with pay: 1 day per month of employment, maxi- mum 10 days or 4%, to start, 2 weeks or 4% after 1 year, 3 weeks or 6% after 5 years, 4 weeks or 8% after 10 years, 5 weeks or 10% after 20 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for all time worked immedi- ately prior to or immediately following regularly established shift, and which is greater than 8 hours per day. Time may be banked, maximum equiva- lent to 2 weeks of pay. Banked amounts may be carried from 1 year to next. Employee may request employer to transfer banked balance (or portion thereof ) to RRSP of their choice (maximum once per year). Medical benefits: Prairie Teamsters Health and Welfare 5 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER Canadian HR Reporter, a Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd. business 2021