Canadian Labour Reporter

May 12, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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3 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2014 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER ColleCtive Agreements changed. Vacations with pay: 4 weeks af- ter 1 year, 5 weeks after 4 years, 6 weeks after 10 years, 7 weeks after 15 years, 8 weeks after 20 years, unchanged. Effective upon ratification: employees given opportunity to transfer unused vacation leave to anoth- er employee for compassionate reasons. Safety shoes: $125 per year. Uniforms/clothing: $200 per year for custodial staff, up from $150. Effective upon ratifica- tion, part-time employees to receive same amount. Sample rates of pay, current: Level 1: $41,830, rising to $49,793 per year Level 4: $49,334, rising to $58,735 Level 9: $72,644, rising to $86,475 Level 12: $101,124, rising to $120,382 Editor's notes: Tuition reimbursement fund: $30,000 per year, effective July 1, 2013. FOOD SERVICE Extra Food Stores Saskatoon, Melville, Moose Jaw and Regina, Saskatchewan (830 retail employees) and the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Renewal agreement: Effec- tive March 27, 2013, to March 31, 2018. Settled in October of 2013. Wage adjustments: Effective March 27, 2013: 50¢ Effective March 27, 2014: 50¢ Effective March 27, 2015: 50¢ Effective March 27, 2016: 50¢ Effective March 27, 2017: 50¢ Shift premium: $1.15 per hour for shifts between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., previously 90¢. Upon ratification, 75¢ per hour for all hours an employee is required to work in the cash office. Paid holidays: 11 days. Un- changed. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks af- ter 1 year, 4 weeks after 8 years, 5 weeks after 13 years, 6 weeks after 18 years, 7 weeks after 23 years. Unchanged. Vacation be- tween December and January 1 will be granted based on senior- ity, effective upon ratification. Dental: Effective Oct. 1, 2013, employer contributes 30¢ per hour, previously 28¢. Effective March 1, 2014, employer con- tributes 31¢. Effective March 1, 2017, employer contributes 32¢. Pension: Canadian Commer- cial Workers Industry Pension Plan National Agreement. $1.05 per hour contributed by em- ployer (previously 85¢), effec- tive Jan. 1, 2014. Severance: Employees laid-off if Extra Foods is converted to No Frills: Up to 4 weeks pay per year of service, up to $75,000 for full-time employees, $15,000 for part-time employees. Em- ployees who find employment in the new store to receive buy- down allowance: 2 weeks pay per year of service up to $75,000 for full-time employees, $15,000 for part-time employ- ees. Employees laid-off if Extra Foods is converted to indepen- dent grocer: Buy-down op- tion available. Pre-ratification employees entitled to 2 weeks pay per year to buy-down to an available position: minimum $10,000, maximum $75,000 for full-time employees; minimum $2,000, maximum $15,000 for part-time employees. Safety shoes: To be provided by employer, effective March 27, 2013. Sample rates of pay, current: Courtesy clerk: $9.25 per hour, rising to $13.10 General merchandise service clerk: $9.25, rising to $15.90 Food service clerk: $9.25, rising to $19.05 Meat cutters: $9.25, rising to $21.95 Bakers: $9.25, rising to $21.95 Editor's notes: Health and Welfare Trust Fund: Effective Oct. 1, 2013, employer contributes 19¢ per hour, previously 15¢, for all part-time employees not belonging to existing insurance plans. Buyout option: Effective upon ratification: Employer to make minimum 100 voluntary buyouts available, with 50 in first year for all clerks earning $14 or more. Buyouts range from $1,850 to $7,966. HEALTH CARE Health Employers Association of British Columbia Province-wide, British Columbia (16,600 technical and paramedical professional employees) and the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association, associated with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Renewal agreement: Effective April 1, 2014, to March 31, 2019. Settled in December 2013. Wage adjustments: Effective April 1, 2015: 1% Effective April 1, 2016: 0.5% Effective Feb. 1, 2017: 1% Effective April 1, 2017: 0.5% Effective Feb. 1, 2018: 1% Effective April 1, 2018: 0.5% Effective Feb. 1, 2019: 1% Paid holidays: 12 days, un- changed. Vacations with pay: 144 hours after 1 year of service, addi- tional 7.2 hours added for each year of service, up to 29 years of service. Supplementary vaca- tion: 36 hours after 25 years of service, 72 hours after 30 years, 108 hours after 35, 40 and 45 years of service. Employees work 37.5 hours per week. Sample rates of pay, current: Level 4: $3,776 per month, ris- ing in 6 steps to $4,707 Level 8: $3,385, rising in 6 steps to $5,466 Level 10: $4,704, rising in 6 steps to $5,866 Level 18: $6,341, rising in 6 steps to $7,908 Editor's notes: Economic stability dividend: In 2017, 2018 and 2019, employees to receive wage increases equal to one-half of any percentage gain in real gross domestic product above the forecast for that year. Recruitment and retention committee: Established to address challenges of some professions which may experience skill shortages or recruitment and retention issues. < from pg. 1

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