Labour Reporter
May 20, 2014
Auditor general calls for
better management of
public-sector pensions
Funding policy needed
to assess sustainability
By SaBrina nanji
A pension storm is brewing in the federal public sector — and if
policies and practices don't change, the consequences could be dire.
This, the message from the auditor general's latest report, could sig-
nal a turning point for public sector pensions as we know them.
In his report, auditor general Michael Ferguson looked at how the
Treasury Board, the RCMP, National Defence and Finance Canada had
carried out the key responsibilities to manage Ottawa's pension plans
for its public servants.
According to the federal government, its current net liability relating
to these pensions exceeds $150 billion.
While Ferguson said all parties have carried out their responsibilities
Calm Air international
ompson, man.
(20 dispatchers) and the Canadian Auto Workers union, now Unifor.
renewal agreement: Effective
Aug. 1, 2013, to July 31, 2016.
Wage adjustments:
Effective Aug. 1, 2014: CPI-
equivalent increase
Effective Aug. 1, 2015: CPI-
equivalent increase
Note: CPI annual average
should not be less than 0% and
not exceed 2%
Sweet nothings
Unifor says there is nothing
sweet about chocolate-
maker Nestle's position on
pg. 2
see Public > pg. 7
see Collective agreements > pg. 3
Hospital sick and tired of nurse's time off pg. 6
Northern Lights School Division - La Ronge, Sask. pg. 3 Autobus
Citadelles - Gatineau, Que. pg. 3 Horizon Milling - Saskatoon, Sask.
pg. 4 Corps Canadien des Commissionnaires - Quebec City, Que. pg.
4 Plein Air du Quebec pg. 4 Ontario Hospital Association pg. 5
Library staffer throws out
the book on job action
the shoW must go on — ac-
cording to Belinda New, the film
theatre supervisor at the Regina
Public Library in Saskatchewan.
An arbitrator agreed, after New
filed a grievance against the library
for a three-day suspension relating
to misconduct during a strike.
The Regina Public Library cited
the reason for New's suspension
as "culpable misconduct, specifi-
cally dishonesty, fraud, insubordi-
nation and breach of trust."
New, alongside the Cana-
In his latest report, auditor general Michael Ferguson scrutinizes the
long-term viability of the federal government's pension plan for its
public sector employees.
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see Arbitration > pg. 6