Canadian Labour Reporter

June 23, 2014

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lAboUr brieFs 2 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2014 TTC workers arrested, charged with theft TORONTO — The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is rolling out mandatory ethics training for all supervisory and management staff in the wake of a joint investigation with Toronto police that resulted in the arrests of three current and three former transit workers. On June 11, police executed warrants in Toronto, Mississauga and Penetanguishene with the as- sistance of the TTC's investigative section. It is alleged that TTC em- ployees were making purchases of equipment for personal use and that the items purchased were not used for any type of work con- ducted by the TTC. Charges were laid against Amadeo Cuschieri, age 55; Maciej Zych, 49; Dan Doron, 50; Steve Cuschieri, 34; John Barrie Mul- hall, 66; and Lorenzo Lamanna, 56. In a letter to TTC employees, CEO Andy Byford said the inves- tigation is continuing and he ex- pects more arrests and charges to follow. "It is alleged that over the course of several years, these in- dividuals stole, defrauded and at- tempted to circumvent TTC pur- chasing policies and authorities, harming our collective reputation and the public's trust of us in the process," he said. He pointed out that, last year, he created an Integrity program to "help root out those whose un- ethical actions" harm the TTC's reputation, including a hotline and a website. While the investigation that led to charges predates the integrity program, Byford said the program must continue — but it also needs to be strengthened with a compre- hensive whistleblower policy and a code of ethics. "As such, I am announcing to- day that these two policies will be developed for my approval, as well as the TTC board's approval, and implemented this fall," he told employees. "I am also announc- ing today that mandatory ethics training for all supervisory and management staff be developed in consultation with the City of To- ronto and the City Auditor Gen- eral, also for implementation this fall." He also announced the TTC has hired forensic audit firm Pricewa- terhouseCoopers to review con- Cambodian migrant workers cross the border in Sa Kaew on their way out of Thailand. More than 100,000 workers are estimated to have fl ed the country's intensifi ed efforts to regulate illegal labour. FORMERLY CLV REPORTS Serving labour relations professionals since 1956 Published weekly by omson Reuters Canada Ltd. Subscription rate: $595 per year Customer Service Tel: (416) 609-3800 (Toronto) (800) 387-5164 (outside Toronto) Fax: (416) 298-5106 Email: carswell.customerrelations@ Website: Director, Carswell Media Karen Lorimer Publisher John Hobel Managing Editor Todd Humber News Editor Sabrina Nanji | (416) 649-9348 News Editor Liz Foster | (416) 298-5129 Marketing Co-ordinator Travis Chan | (416) 609-5872 © 2014 Carswell, a division of omson Reuters Canada Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher. e publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistanceis required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. e analysis contained herein represents the opinion of the authors and should in no way be construed as being either offi cial or unoffi cial policy of any governmental body. ISSN 0045-5113 Publications Registration 2089 Canadian Labour Reporter is part of the Canadian HR Reporter group of publications. Visit for more information. Labour Reporter Canadian Photo: Athit Perawongmetha (Reuters) LABOUR LENS tract controls, signing authority and procurement practices and policies at the TTC. "The auditors will make recommendations to me on ways that we may further strengthen and make the necessary changes to protect the TTC and public funds," he said. "I will report on this review to you and the TTC board, also this fall. Charges According to a release from Toronto police, the following charges have been laid: Amadeo Cuschieri, 55, of Mississauga, has been charged with: 1) Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000 2) Theft over $5000 3) Fraud Over $5000 4) Criminal Breach of Trust 5) Conspiracy to commit an Indictable offence 1 Maciej Zych, 49, of Mississauga, has been charged with: 1) Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000 2) Conspiracy to commit an Indictable offence Dan Doron, 50, Toronto, has been charged with: 1) Conspiracy to commit an Indictable offence Steve Cuschieri, 34, of Mississauga, has been charged with: 1) Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000.

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