Canadian Labour Reporter

July 7, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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5 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2014 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER ColleCtive Agreements Overtime: Time and one-half for the first 2 hours of over- time, double time for all hours worked after that. Overtime defined as work beyond 8 hours per day for operations employees, and beyond 7 hours per day for office and school-based employees. Dou- ble time for all hours worked on a Sunday. Time off may be taken in lieu of pay. STd: 100% of salary for the first 6 days. 66.67% of salary after that, up to 180 days, or 120 days effective Jan. 20, 2014. ad&d: Double annual basic wages, rounded to the nearest $500. Subject to a minimum of $10,000. life insurance: Double an- nual basic wages, rounded to the nearest $500. Subject to a minimum of $10,000. Pension: Municipal Pension Plan. Retiring employees to receive 1 week's pay for every year of service. Employees that do not contribute to the plan granted 1.5 days' pay for every month of service. Bereavement leave: 5 days for the death of a parent, wife, husband, sister, brother, child, grandchild, grandparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law and the birth parent of the em- ployee's birth child. Relations include common-law and step relations. Reasonable leave of absence, without pay, to be granted for travel and estate affairs. Up to 3 days per year to attend a funeral. Call-in pay: Minimum 2 hours' paid at overtime rates. discipline: Sunset clause is 2 years, given no further of- fences have occurred. Severance: 30 days' notice and 1 week's pay per year of service. Uniforms/clothing: Non- clerical employees provided with 2 pairs of trousers and 3 shirts. 1 pair of trousers and 3 shirts provided every subse- quent year after that. $40 an- nually for employees requiring swimsuits. Sample rates of pay, current: Laminating clerk: $17.98 per hour Crosswalk supervisor: $17.98 Library assistant: $18.79 Textbook library assistant: $18.79 Resource centre clerk: $19.58 School clerk – typist: $20.38 Admin office receptionist: $20.38 Finance clerk – rentals: $20.38 Career prep school secretary: $20.38 Human resources clerk: $20.38 Custodian: $20.38 Relief custodian: $20.38 Utility grounds worker: $20.38 Utility grounds worker – play- ground: $20.38 Furniture repair person: $20.38 Meal program co-ordinator: $20.38 Kitchen/Cafeteria assistant: $20.38 Outside warehouse: $20.38 Aboriginal cultural assistant: $21.17 Operations clerk: $21.97 Staff dispatcher: $21.97 Accounts payable clerk: $21.97 Senior warehouse: $21.97 Learning technology assistant: $22.75 Grounds operator: $22.75 Painter: $25.66 International education pro- gram secretary: $23.57 Head custodian: $23.57 Bus driver: $24.35 Finance assistant: $25.16 Computer technician: $25.16 Traffic safety officer: $25.94 Payroll co-ordinator: $26.75 editor's notes: Disabled employees' preference: Any employee who has given good and faithful service and who, through advancing age or temporary disablement is unable to perform regularly assigned duties may be given the preference of any light work available at the salary payable for the position to which employee is assigned. Compas- sionate leave: Up to 12 days, paid, per year to tend to a serious illness of a family member. Car insurance: 75% of de- ductible portion paid by employer, up to $225, if an employee's vehicle is vandalized at an approved school function. Strike: Employees not required to cross picket lines during a strike, but essential services will be maintained. TRANSPORTATION Clipper navigation Victoria, B.C. (10 customer service employees) and Unifor Local 114. Renewal agreement: Effective Nov. 1, 2013, to Oct. 31, 2016. Signed on Jan. 30, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective Nov. 1, 2014: 1.7% Effective Nov. 1, 2015: 1.7% Shift premium: Additional $2 per hour for lead hands. Paid holidays: 11 days. Time and one-half for all work on a named holiday. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks after 1 year, 3 weeks after 4 years, 4 weeks after 9 years, 5 weeks after 18 years, 6 weeks after 25 years. Meal allowance: $10 for breakfast, $11 for lunch, $18 for dinner when an employee is scheduled to travel outside of Victoria, for instance, ac- companying a bus en route to Seattle, Washington. Medical benefits: $3.95 per hour paid by employer to- ward the cost of the Medical Services Plan and Health and Welfare Plan. Sick leave: 40-hour sick leave credit awarded after 1 year of service. Pension: Up to 4% of salary will be matched by employer. Bereavement leave: 5 days for the death of an immedi- ate family member, including spouse, common-law spouse, same-sex spouse, child, foster child, step-child, grandchild, parent, foster parent, brother or sister. 3 days for extended family, including grandparent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law. 1 additional day if out-of-town travel is required (defined as outside the mainland and north of Nanaimo). Seniority – recall rights: 15 months. Call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours' pay. Probationary period: 135 days, employer maintains right to extend probationary period if deemed necessary. discipline: Sunset clause is 15 months, provided there are no similar reoccurrences. Severance: 2 weeks' pay per year of service, given employee has been employed for at least 2 years. Uniforms/clothing: 3 shirts, 4 pairs of pants, 1 light-weight jacket, 1 heavy-weight jacket. Sample rates of pay, current: Reservation agent: $17.27 per hour, rising after 3 years to $23.33 Dock hand: $15.89, rising after 3 years to $22.66 editor's notes: Family responsibility leave: 5 days of unpaid leave per year to meet responsibilities of health, care or education of child in employee's care, care or health of any other member of the employee's immediate family, spouse, or same-sex spouse. Compassionate care leave: Up to 8 weeks for a gravely ill family member. essential services must be maintained during a strike

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