Canadian Labour Reporter

September 1, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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3 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2014 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER ColleCtive Agreements hour for night and weekend afternoon lead hands. $2 per hour for store attendants. $2.25 for weekend day and weekday evening lead hands. $1.75 for all hours worked between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. $1.50 per hour for each hour an employee is re- quired to work as project work- er. $1.75 for all hours worked between 7 a.m. Saturday to 11 p.m. Sunday. 75¢ per hour for employees leading training ses- sions. Paid holidays: 11 days. Time and one-half for all hours, in- cluding overtime hours, worked on a named holiday. vacations with pay: 2 weeks to start, 3 weeks after 4 years, 4 weeks after 8 years, 5 weeks after 20 years. overtime: Double time for all hours worked in excess of 8 per day. Medical benefits: Great West Life insurance. Upgraded pack- age includes $500 per year for psychologists, $400 per year for chiropractors and masseuses, unlimited physiotherapy. 75% of premiums paid by employer, 25% paid by employee. Part- time employees eligible for health benefits after working 20 hours per week. Sick leave: 15 non-cumulative days per year for full-time employees. 6 non-cumulative days per year for part-time em- ployees. Pension: Effective Jan. 1, 2013, 15¢ per hour worked con- tributed to employee's RRSP. Amount increases by 5¢ in each subsequent year of the collec- tive agreement. Amount to be matched by employee. bereavement leave: 5 con- secutive working days for the funeral of an immediate family member. That includes spouse, common-law spouse, child, parent, fiancé, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in- law, father-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister- in-law, guardian, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, step- children, step-parents, niece or nephew. 1 day to attend the funeral of any other relative or close friend. Up to 2 additional days if travel farther than 322 km is required. Seniority – recall rights: 6 months. Call-in pay: Minimum 3 hours' pay. Probationary period: 3 months for full-time employ- ees, 6 months for relief employ- ees. discipline: Sunset clause is 1 year, given no further discipline has occurred. Safety shoes: $100 per year for slip-resistant footwear. uniforms/clothing: All re- quired clothing to be provided by employer. Sample rates of pay, current: Housekeeping worker: $14.97 per hour, rising after 6 years to $18.06 editor's notes: Compassionate care leave: Up to 8 weeks unpaid to care for a seriously ill family member. Pressing necessities: 3 days per year to deal with unprecedented pressing emergencies. HEALTH CARE Health employers Association of british Columbia Province-wide, british Columbia (15,300 health service employees and home care workers) and the British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU) Renewal agreement: Effec- tive April 1, 2014, to March 31, 2019. Signed in February 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective April 1, 2015: 1% Effective April 1, 2016: 0.5% Feb. 1, 2017: 1% April 1, 2017: 0.5% Feb. 1, 2018: 1% April 1, 2018: 0.5% Feb. 1, 2019: 1% Paid holidays: 12 days. vacations with pay: 15 days after 1 year, 16 days after 3 years, 17 days after 4 years, 19 days after 5 years, 20 days after 6 years, 22 days after 8 years, 23 days after 9 years, 24 days after 10 years, 25 days after 11 years, 26 days after 12 years, 27 days after 13 years, 28 days after 16 years, 29 days after 19 years, 31 days after 20 years, 32 days after 21 years, 33 days after 22 years, 34 days after 23 years, 35 days after 25 years. Employees may carry over up to 10 days per year, as long as carry-over does not exceed 10 days total. Meal allowance: When travel for business is required, ef- fective April 1, 2016: $11.75, previously $11.50, for breakfast. $13.50, previously $13.25, for lunch. $23, previously $22.25, for dinner. Effective April 1, 2018: $12 for breakfast, $14 for lunch, $24 for dinner. Mileage: Effective April 1, 2016, 53¢ per km, up from 52¢. Effective April 1, 2018: 54¢. Sample rates of pay, current: Community health worker: $16.58 per hour, rising in 2 steps to $17.77 Food service worker: $16.68, rising in 2 steps to $17.77 Health unit aide: $17.17, rising in 4 steps to $18.95 Maintenance worker: $17.17, rising in 4 steps to $18.95 Family resource worker: $20.72, rising in 4 steps to $22.49 Shelter support worker: $20.72, rising in 4 steps to $22.49 Accounting administrator: $26.34, rising in 4 steps to $28.12 editor's notes: Economic stability dividend: Employees to receive general wage increase equal to one-half of any percentage gain in real GDP above forecast for that year. Comparability adjustment: Employer to increase wage rates for eligible employees in order to support stabilization in service delivery. Effective as follows: April 1, 2016: 0.8% of straight time pay, April 1, 2017: 0.4%, April 1, 2018: 0.4%. Enhanced disability management program: Parties to meet within 30 days of ratification to discuss improvements to enhanced disability management program, which will come into effect April 1, 2014. Effective April 1, 2015 and April 1, 2017, employer to contribute $204,000 annually to sup- port program. TRANSPORTATION Services Maritimes Quebec Pointe-au-Pic, Que. (30 longshoremen) and the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) Local 2048 Renewal agreement: Effective April 26, 2014, to April 26, 2017. Signed on July 11, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective April 26, 2015: 50¢ Effective April 26, 2016: 50¢ Paid holidays: 10 days. vacations with pay: 4% of an- nual income to start and 7% after 9 years. overtime: Time and one-half. bereavement leave: Bereave- < from pg. 1

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