Canadian Labour Reporter

September 1, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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4 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2014 ColleCtive Agreements September 1, 2014 ment leave is awarded accord- ing to the Canadian Labour Code. Call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours at regular rate of pay. Sample rates of pay, current: Manager: $27.15 per hour Hoisting Crane Operator: $26.56 Daily Signaler: $25.01 Warehouse Receipt Auditor: $23.73 editor's notes: Arrival and departure of ships: 2 employees are required to aid in the arrival or departure of ships weighing 2,500 tons or less. 5 employees are required to aid in the arrival or departure of ships weighing more than 2,500 tons. Mooring and Dropping: Employees are paid a minimum of 2 hours' pay for mooring and dropping. RRSP: The employer agrees to pay $1.05 per hour worked per employee to the union's group RRSP. $1.10 effective April 26, 2015, and $1.20 effective April 26,2016. MILITARY Canadian Forces base Petawawa, ont. (160 operational employees) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Renewal agreement: Effective May 1, 2013, to April 30, 2016. Signed on Feb. 6, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective May 1, 2013: 2% Effective May 1, 2014: 2% Effective May 1, 2015: 2% Effective April 30, 2016: 1.75% Paid holidays: 11 days. vacations with pay: 10 days after 1 year or service, 15 days after 2 years, 20 days after 7 years, 23 days after 17 years, 25 days after 18 years, 27 days after 27 years and 30 days after 28 years. Effective April 1, 2012, employees with prior service in the Canadian Forces of 6 months or more will receive credit for such military duty for the purpose of calculating paid vacation credits. Sick leave: 2 days per year for part-time employees who have completed probation. Safety shoes: $125 per year, previously $75. Maximum of $125 carryover. Sample rates of pay (current, after 2% increase): Level 1: $11.42 per hour rising to $12.19 Level 4: $11.77 rising to $13.78 Level 7: $17.05 rising to $21.21 editor's notes: Personal leave: 8 hours per year. Pregnant employees: One-half day to attend medical appointments related to pregnancy. TRANSPORTATION toronto transit Commission toronto (9,950 bus drivers) and the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Renewal agreement: Effec- tive April 1, 2014, to March 31, 2018. Signed on May 16, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective April 1, 2014: Operators and Wheel Trans Operators: 2% All other employees: 1% Effective April 1, 2015: 1.5% prorated for employees with less than 1 year of service Operators and Wheel Trans Operators: 2% All other employees: 0.5% Effective April 1, 2016: Operators and Wheel Trans Operators: 2% All other employees: 1.75% Effective April 1, 2017: Operators and Wheel Trans Operators: 2.25% All other employees: 2.25% Shift premium: 75¢ per hour for employees with a recog- nized and current trade license. Paid holidays: 10 days. vacations with pay: 2 weeks after 1 year, 3 weeks after 2 year, 4 weeks after 8 years, 5 weeks after 1 years and 6 weeks after 22 years. Medical benefits: Effective May 2014, $9 cap for prescrip- tion medications, excluding pensioners, expiring May 30, 2018. vision: Effective July 1, 2014, $450 for all employees, up from $400. uniforms/clothing: $250 per year for maintenance employ- ees, up from $225. Extra $60 for roofers. Sample rates of pay, current: Group 4: $21.64 per hour rising to $28.08 Operator: $24.54 rising to $32.03 Group 10: $27.67 rising to $35.91 editor's notes: Wage progression: Effective April 1, 2014, skilled trades employees with 1 year of service will progress to the top of the wage scale. Tuition aid: Effective Jan. 1, 2015, $3,500 maximum reimbursement in tuition aid. COMMUNICATIONS Radio Centre — ville Saint-Louis Montréal (7 radio operators) and the Fédération Nationale des Communications (FNC) Renewal agreement: Effective May 30, 2014, to Dec. 31, 2015. Signed on May 30, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2014: 2% Effective Jan. 1, 2015: 2-3% in accordance with the annual CPI for the Montréal region Paid holidays: 14 days. vacations with pay: 1 day per month of service to start, 20 days after 1 year. overtime: Time and one-half. Meal allowance: $10 for break- fast, $21 for lunch and $28 for dinner. Sick leave: 12 days. bereavement leave: 5 days for employee's spouse, child, mother, father, brother or sister.

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