April 6, 2015
Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2015
Data retrieved from Statistics Canada.
Facts and Figures
Unemployment rAte — FEBRUARY 2015: 6.8 pER cEnt
labour force (000s) employment (000s)
Unemployment rate (%)
Change from
previous month
newfoundland and labrador 260.2 224.1 36.1 13.9 up 0.4
prince edward island 79.5 69.8 9.7 12.2 down 0.1
nova scotia 481.8 433.9 47.9 9.9 up 0.5
new brunswick 383.5 339.1 44.4 11.6 up 0.1
Quebec 4,351.3 4,003.6 347.6 8.0 down 0.1
ontario 7,311.2 6,802.0 509.1 7.0 up 0.1
manitoba 664.9 628.0 36.9 5.5 down 0.5
saskatchewan 590.7 558.0 32.7 5.5 up 0.6
Alberta 2,416.1 2,276.4 139.8 5.8 up 1.2
british Columbia 2,406.4 2,247.1 159.3 6.6 up 0.6
All CAnAdA
Age 15 to 24 2,668.7 2,324.0 364.6 13.6 up 0.7
25 to 54 12,502.4 11,745.8 756.7 6.1 down 0.1
55+ 3,754.4 3,457.2 242.2 6.5 down 0.4
25+, men 8,600.1 7,992.3 607.8 7.1 up 0.4
25+, women 7,656.8 7,265.7 391.1 5.1 down 0.1
total 18,945.5 17,582.0 1,363.5 7.2 up 0.2
ConsUmer priCe index — cAnAdA, FEBRUARY 2015: 1.0 pER cEnt
(1992=100) 2013 (1992=100) 2014 (2002=100) 2013 (2002=100) 2014
January 148.0 146.5 124.3 123.1
February 149.2 147.7 125.4 124.1
148.6 124.8
149.0 125.2
149.7 125.8
149.8 125.9
149.6 125.7
149.7 125.7
149.8 125.8
149.9 125.9
december 148.2 124.5
Annual Average
149.0 125.2
Average Annual increase
1.4% 1.5%
February 2014 to February 2015
1.0% 1.4% 1.0% 1.5%
February 2015 (1986=100)
227.4 191.2
February 2015 (1981=100)
301.4 253.3
February 2015 (1971=100)
713.9 600.0
ConsUmer priCe index — pRovincEs, FEBRUARY 2015
February 2015 (2002=100) % change from February 2014
newfoundland and labrador 127.5 -0.1
prince edward island 128.2 -1.5
nova scotia 128.0 -0.3
new brunswick 124.2 -0.2
Quebec 123.9 1.1
ontario 126.2 1.3
manitoba 125.2 0.7
saskatchewan 129.3 1.2
Alberta 132.0 0.9
british Columbia 118.9 0.8
FACts And FigUres