Canadian Labour Reporter

April 6, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian April 6, 2015 ArbitrAtion AwArds see Collective agreements > pg. 3 Facts and figures pg. 8 Envoy Air — Canadawide pg. 3 The Town of Morinville — Alberta pg. 3 Doyle Transportation — Ontario pg. 4 Cormode & Dickson Construction — Alberta pg. 4 SMIT Harbour Towage — British Columbia pg. 5 ColleCtive Agreements ColleCtive Agreements Photo: Mike Cassese (Reuters) Mastering Fac t Finding & Investigation, April 28 - May 1: Toronto Dispute Resolution Skills, May 3-7: Kingston i r c . q u e e n s u . c a Build Internal Capacity to Effectively Deal with Workplace Complaints Develop Conflict Intervention Skills & Promote Healthy Workplace Relationships Unifor warns of 'contract flipping' Union accuses airport authority of suppressing wages By Liz Foster ContraCt flipping — an employer practice of switching service providers every few years in an effort to suppress costs — forces employees to reapply for their jobs and, often, to start at the bottom of the wage scale, according to Unifor. The union took a stand against the practice in March after the Greater Toronto Airport Au- thority (GTAA) opened a tendering process for its contract involving the assistance of passen- gers with special needs. The contract was awarded to the Toronto Ground Airport Services (TGAS). But the TGAS has made no employment commitment to the 260 affected employees working under the contract's previous provider, Swissport (for- merly Servisair) at Pearson International Air- port, according to Unifor. "Some of the employees who were doing the work with Servisair have applied to take the job rumours poisoned work environment, employee says an employee has won her case against the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC), al- leging the public housing agency did not do its due diligence in en- suring the work environment was free from discrimination and ha- rassment. The grievor, parking officer Jan- ice Gordon, filed two main com- plaints against the TCHC back in 2007. She claimed she was subject- ed to vicious rumours and gossip at the hands of her co-workers, who wrongfully suggested she was hav- LONG-TERM CARE revera lessee (e Churchill) edmonton (62 employees) and the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) Local 047 renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2014, to Dec. 31, 2016. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2014: 3% Effective Jan. 1, 2015: 3% Effective Jan. 1, 2016: 3% Shift premium: $2 per hour for LPNs and HCAs working a weeknight evening shift, $2.50 GM Oshawa closure could cost 33,000 jobs: Union A hypothetical report on the uncertain future of General Motors in Oshawa sheds light on the auto- maker's economic impact. see Arbitration > pg. 6 see Complaints > pg. 7 ArbitrAtion AwArds The Greater Toronto Airport Authority's practice of 'contract flipping' is unethical, said Unifor, which has called for a requirement that all contractors adhere to a minimum standard of pay. pg. 2

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