Canadian Labour Reporter


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6 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2015 May 25, 2015 EDUCATION university of the Fraser Valley abbotsford, b.c. (1,120 instructors) and the University of the Fraser Valley Faculty and Staff Association renewal agreement: Effec- tive April 1, 2012, to March 31, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2013: 1% Effective April 1, 2013: 1% Effective Sept. 1, 2013: 1% Effective Jan. 1, 2014: 1% Shift premium: $1 per hour for afternoon shifts between 4:30 p.m. and 12 a.m. $1 per hour for night shifts between 12 a.m. and 8 a.m. paid holidays: 12 days. Vacations with pay: 15 days after 1 year, 16 days after 2 years, 17 days after 3 years, 18 days after 4 years, 19 days after 5 years, 20 days after 6 years, 21 days after 7 years, 23 days after 8 years, 24 days after 10 years, 25 days after 11 years, 26 days after 12 years, 27 days after 13 years, 18 days after 14 years, 29 days after 15 years, 30 days after 16 years. 40 consecutive days per year for academic support faculty. 30 consecu- tive days per year for academic advisors. 30 days per year for directors. Overtime: Time and one-half for first 3 hours worked in ex- cess of 7 per day, double time for all hours worked in excess of that. meal allowance: Reimburse- ment for any meals while travelling outside campus on university business. medical benefits: British Co- lumbia Medical Plan. dental: 100% coverage for Plan A, 75% coverage for Plan B, 75% coverage for Plan C. Sick leave: 30 days per year. Up to 10 of those days may be used to take care of a sick child under 12. STd: 70% of salary. lTd: 70% of salary up to age 65. life insurance: 3 times em- ployee's annual salary. Group Life Insurance Policy. bereavement leave: Up to 7 days for death of parent, spouse, child, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent or grandchild. Seniority – recall rights: 15 months for Type A and B em- ployees, 5 months for Type C, D and Auxiliary employees, 3 consecutive academic terms for limited term and sessional employees. call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours' pay. $200 stipend per week for employees designated as on-call for that week. probationary period: 2 years for most employees. discipline: Sunset clause is 2 years. Severance: 2 weeks' pay after 1 year of service, 4 weeks after 2 years, 6 weeks after 3 years, 8 weeks after 4 years, 10 weeks after 5 years, 12 weeks after 6 years, 14 weeks after 7 years, 16 weeks after 8 years, 18 weeks after 9 years, 20 weeks after 10 years, 22 weeks after 11 years, 24 weeks after 12 years and 26 weeks after 13 years. uniforms/clothing: 4 shirts per year for janitorial staff. mileage: 50¢ per km if person- al car is required for business purposes. Sample rates of pay, current: Faculty staff: $53,899.96 per year, rising in 11 steps to $86,610.51 Lab instructor: $53,900.22, ris- ing in 8 steps to $76,2014.47 Educational advisor: $49,578.28, rising in 11 steps to $67,768 Director I: $56,554.73, rising in 6 steps to $69,390.65 Director II: $67,173.92, rising in 6 steps to $82,855.55 Director III: $79,681.45, rising in 6 steps to $93,441.89 Director IV: $81,481.23, rising in 6 steps to $94,996.71 Director V: $83,279.88, rising in 6 steps to $97,425.63 Sessional instructor (3-4 hours per week): $6,081.91 per week, rising in 2 steps to $6,243.63 Sessional instructor (5-6 hours per week): $6,914.39, rising in 2 steps to $7,076.11 Sessional instructor (3-4 hours per week, plus lab work): $7,330.63, rising in 2 steps to $7,700.47 Staff, group I: $31,063.94 per year, rising in 7 steps to $36,696.82 Staff, Group II: $32,607.49, ris- ing in 7 steps to $38,674.49 Staff, Group III: $34,215.34, rising in 7 steps to $40,937.81 Staff, Group IV: $37,002.30, rising in 7 steps to $43,750.51 Staff, Group V: $39,210.42, ris- ing in 7 steps to $46,585.17 Staff, Group VI: $40,946.95, rising in 7 steps to $49,419.86 Staff, Group VII: $43,648.14, rising in 7 steps to $52,323.52 Staff, Group VIII: $49,007.67, rising in 7 steps to $58,539.14 editor's notes: Whistleblower: Employees reporting violations of university codes and policies in good faith are entitled to safe disclosure. Copyright: All artistic, recorded or written work while employed shall be the property of both instruc- tor and university, to be retained by the university. Class size: Shall not normally exceed 36 students. Compassionate care leave: 7 days for serious illness of a family member including parent, spouse, child, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother- in-law, grandparent or grandchild. 3 additional days available if employee is primary caregiver. Early retirement: Up to 100% of salary after 60 years of age, up to 80% after 61, up to 60% after 62, up to 40% after 63, up to 20% after 64. EDUCATION Yukon college Whitehorse (210 lecturers, service, maintenance and custodial employees) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) renewal agreement: Effective July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2016. Signed in October 2013. Wage adjustments: Effective July 1, 2013: 2% Effective July 1, 2014: 2% Effective July 1, 2015: 1.75% paid holidays: 12 days, un- changed. Vacations with pay: 4 weeks after 1 year, 5 weeks after 4 years, 6 weeks after 10 years, 7 weeks after 15 years and 8 weeks after 20 years, unchanged. Effective upon ratification: employees given opportunity to transfer un- used vacation leave to another employee for compassionate reasons. Safety shoes: $125 per year. uniforms/clothing: $200 per year for custodial staff, up from $150. Effective upon ratifica- tion, part-time employees to receive same amount. Sample rates of pay, current: Level 1: $41,830, rising to $49,793 per year Level 4: $49,334, rising to $58,735 Level 9: $72,644, rising to $86,475 Level 12: $101,124, rising to $120,382 editor's notes: Tuition reimbursement fund: $30,000 per year, effective July 1, 2013. ColleCtive Agreements

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