Labour Reporter
September 7, 2015
see Collective agreements > pg. 3
Coverup leads to termination at University of Manitoba pg. 6
Pro-Ex Transportation Solutions — Multiprovince pg. 3 District of Tofino
— British Columbia pg. 3 University of Montréal — Quebec pg. 4
Atlantic Broadcasters — Nova Scotia pg. 4 Transportation Somavrac —
Quebec pg. 5 House of Commons — Ontario pg. 5
Negotiation Skills, Oc tober 18-23, 2015: Kingston
Developing Negotiating Styles and Tactics to Master the Dynamics of Collective Bargaining
Building Trust in the Workplace, Oc tober 19, 2015: Calgar y
Getting at the Root of Low Trust Levels and it's Impact on Organizational Success
i r c . q u e e n s u . c a
pg. 2
Furniture maker shutters, cites faith
Unifor files labour board complaint against Gingrich Woodcraft
A RURAL ONTARIO furniture maker shut-
tered last month after employees decided to
join a union, saying its religion did not allow
for organized labour.
Gingrich Woodcraft, a furniture manu-
facturer in Devlin, Ont., a small town that
straddles the Canada-United States border,
is the target of a labour board complaint filed
by Unifor, which organized the company's 25
employees, made up mostly of cabinetmakers
and office and clerical staff.
According to court documents filed by the
union, employees reached out to Unifor in
July concerning general dissatisfaction with
the way Gingrich operated and managed its
employees. On Aug. 5, the union filed a certi-
fication application and on Aug. 13, the repre-
sentation vote was successful.
Then, on Aug. 17, all employees were
terminated by the company's owner Leon
Gas station attendant fired
for igniting firecracker
ANDREW ALLEN, a pump at-
tendant at a gas station in Saska-
toon, was fired after setting off a
cherry bomb a little too close to
the propane tanks.
Allen was fired as the company,
Saskatoon Co-operative (which
runs the Greystone Gas Bar where
the grievor worked), viewed his
actions as very serious miscon-
duct. The firecracker was charac-
terized as a small explosive device
that was extremely dangerous,
with the potential to ignite the gas
PCL Energy
Provincewide, Alberta
(1,440 general tradesmen) and the Christian Labour Association
of Canada (CLAC), Construction Workers Union Local 63
Renewal agreement: Effective
Dec. 1, 2014, to July 31, 2017.
Signed on July 27, 2015.
Shift premium: $2.50 per hour
for lead hand, $3 for lead hand
in Wood Buffalo. $5 per hour
for foreman, $6 per hour for
foreman in Wood Buffalo. $7
OECTA reaches tentative
agreement with province
Work-to-rule action suspended
immediately after
the deal
see Arbitration > pg. 6
see Religious > pg. 7
A northern Ontario carpenter is the target of a labour board complaint filed by Unifor, which alleges the
company broke the law when it closed down for religious reasons days after workers unionized.