Canadian Labour Reporter

September 14, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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OPSEU aims to unionize college support staff TORONTO — The Ontario Public Ser- vice Employees Union (OPSEU) recently launched a campaign to unionize part-time support staff at the province's 24 colleges of applied arts and technology. The effort aims to bring thousands of part-time workers under the union's um- brella. According to OPSEU, part-time college support staff lack the types of supports af- forded to full-time workers. Part-time sup- port employees are not entitled to paid sick days, paid vacation days or health benefits. Part-time support staff have no job secu- rity, OPSEU reported, and have no control over how many hours they work or when they will work them. Generally, part-time employees are also paid less than full-time staff performing the same work. "The part-time staff are treated like dis- posable workers," said OPSEU president Warren (Smokey) Thomas. "Once again, they have turned to us for help, because they have no protections, no benefits, no job security. It's appalling that workers in the postsecondary education sector are subjected to such shoddy treat- ment." Jobs added in August, but unemployment on the rise OTTAWA (Reuters) — Canada's economy unexpectedly added jobs in August, though the unemployment rate rose to its highest level in a year as more people were look- ing for work, data from Statistics Canada showed on Friday. Canada added 12,000 jobs last month, surpassing economists' expectations for a decline of 4,500 jobs. The unemployment rate rose to seven per cent after sitting at 6.8 per cent for six consecutive months. That was the highest level since it was at seven per cent in August 2014. The partici- pation rate edged up to 65.9 per cent from 65.7 per cent. The job gains came entirely from full- time employment, with 54,400 positions added, while 42,400 part-time jobs were lost. The increases were led by the educa- tional services and public administration sectors. The natural resources sector, which has been hurt by the downturn in oil prices, added a modest 2,300 jobs. In Alberta, where the country's vast oil sands are locat- ed, 4,700 jobs were created, while the un- employment rate remained at six per cent. Canada fell into a modest recession in the first half of the year as it has been hit by cheaper oil, but many economists, and the Bank of Canada, expect growth will perk up in the latter half of the year. LABOUR BRIEFS 2 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2015 FORMERLY CLV REPORTS Serving labour relations professionals since 1956 Published weekly by omson Reuters Canada Ltd. Subscription rate: $595 per year Customer Service Tel: (416) 609-3800 (Toronto) (800) 387-5164 (outside Toronto) Fax: (416) 298-5106 Email: carswell.customerrelations@ Website: Director, Carswell Media Karen Lorimer Publisher John Hobel Associate Publisher/Managing Editor Todd Humber Lead Editor Sarah Dobson | (416) 649-7896 News Editor Sabrina Nanji | (416) 649-9348 News Editor Liz Foster | (416) 298-5129 Marketing Co-ordinator Keith Fulford | (416) 649-9585 © 2015 Carswell, a division of omson Reuters Canada Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher. e publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistanceis required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. e analysis contained herein represents the opinion of the authors and should in no way be construed as being either offi cial or unoffi cial policy of any governmental body. ISSN 0045-5113 Publications Registration 2089 Canadian Labour Reporter is part of the Canadian HR Reporter group of publications. Visit for more information. Labour Reporter Canadian Photo: Adriano Machado (Reuters) LABOUR LENS Fast-food chain McDonald's is at the centre of senate hearings in Brazil, where the company faces allegations of labour abuses and health and safety violations, as well as tax evasion in Europe.

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