Canadian Labour Reporter

October 19, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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4 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2015 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS October 19, 2015 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Event chef: $24.59 Assistant event chef: $23.32 Apprentice: $21.14 1st pastry chef: $26.39 Pastry chef: $25.34 Confectioner: $23.40 Apprentice confectioner: $21.14 Receptionist: $22.42 Shopkeeper: $22.89 Busboy: $15.57 Server: $17.94 1st bar staff: $21.13 Bar staff: $20.42 Bedroom attendant: $21.57 1st attendant: $20.80 Attendant: $20.43 Valet: $21.04 1st mechanic: $27.30 Mechanic: $25.91 Night mechanic: $27.03 1st plumber: $27.30 Plumber: $25.91 1st electrician: $27.30 Electrician: $25.91 Maintenance: $25.91 Specialty maintenance: $25.91 1st security agent: $23.64 Security agent: $20.83 Night security agent: $21.95 Editor's notes: Marriage: 1 paid day for employee's marriage. 1 unpaid day for marriage of employee's child, father, mother, brother, sister or spouse's child. Maternity leave: 18 paid weeks. Paternity leave: 5 unpaid weeks. Parental leave: 52 unpaid weeks. CLEANING SERVICES Atlantic Industrial Cleaners Provincewide, New Brunswick (Repair and maintenance employees) and the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 946 Renewal agreement: Effective April 24, 2015, to Feb. 28, 2019. Signed on April 24, 2015. Wage adjustments: $1,500 signing bonus. Effective March 1, 2017: 1.5% Effective March 1, 2018: 1.5% Calculated by CLR. Shift premium: $1.50 per hour for foremen. Paid holidays: 10 days. Vacations with pay: 6% va- cation pay to start, 7% after 5 years, 8% after 10 years, 9% after 15 years and 10% after 20 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for all hours worked beyond 8 hours per day. Time and one- half for all hours worked on Sat- urday. Double time for all hours worked on Sunday. Employees are entitled to a paid 15 minute break after more than 3 hours of overtime. Meal allowance: $14 for break- fast, $17 for lunch and $20 for super. Bereavement leave: 3 days for employee's parents, grandpar- ents, spouse, children, brothers, sisters, stepbrothers, stepsisters, father-in-law, mother-in-law and grandchildren. Seniority – recall rights: Call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours' pay when employee is called in on a Saturday or Sunday. Probationary period: 90 days worked. Safety shoes: $200. Uniforms/clothing: Employer provides goggles, gloves, rubber footwear, hard hats, rain gear and ear plugs as necessary. Tool allowance: $300. Mileage: 45¢ per km. Sample rates of pay, cur- rent: Working foreman: $25.04 per hour Operator A: $23.54 Operator B: $22.04 Operator C: $20.69 Apprentice A: $16.81 Apprentice B: $14.43 Licensed mechanic: $24.59 Mechanic helper: $19.41 Municipal/commercial oper- ator A: $16.56 Municipal/commercial oper- ator B: $14.72 Municipal/commercial oper- ator C: $12.27 Municipal/commercial appren- tice: $11.66 Editor's notes: Communication devices: Employees may be required to carry a communication device during non-work- ing hours. Employees holding the pager will be paid $15 per day. Open water bonus: Employees required to work on a vessel which is in open water will receive a 10% bonus. This does not include work taking place on a barge or ship that is docked, has a gangplank, ladder or other access to the shore, nor does this include any dredging operations. UTILITIES (ELECTRIC) CG Power Winnipeg (120 plant and maintenance employees) and the United Steelworkers (USW) Local 4297 Renewal agreement: Effective May 5, 2014, to May 4, 2017. Signed on Jan. 15, 2015. Wage adjustments: Effective May 5, 2014: 2% (based on average wage of $20.12) Effective May 5, 2015: 2% Effective May 5, 2016: 2% Effective May 5, 2017: 2% Shift premium: $1.05 per hour for all non-day shifts. 70¢ per hour when employee is required to be on call. 50¢ per hour for all hours worked as a trainer. Paid holidays: 14 days, includ- ing 1 floater. Time and one-half for the first 8 hours worked on a named holiday, double time for all hours worked after that. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks af- ter 1 year, 3 weeks after 4 years, 4 weeks after 10 years, 5 weeks after 22 years. After 26 years, employees can choose between 5 weeks' vacation paid at 12% or may apply for a 6th week at employer's discretion (30% limit on number of employees away at one time). Overtime: Time and one-half for all hours worked in excess of 8 per day. Time and one-half for first 8 hours worked on a Satur- day, double time for all subse- quent hours. Double time for all hours worked on a Sunday. Dental: Up to $2,500 per per- son per year. 50% coverage for major restoration work, 50% coverage for orthodontic work, up to $3,000 lifetime maximum. Vision: $250 every 2 years for glasses or contact lenses. Paramedical: $350 per person per practitioner per year. Weekly indemnity: 66.67% of weekly earnings up to 52 weeks. LTD: 66.67% of monthly earn- ings up to $2,600 per month for up to 24 months. AD&D: $100,000. Life insurance: $100,000. Pension: Defined benefit pen- sion. Company contributes 7.5% of employee earnings. Employees may opt to make ad- ditional contributions of either 1.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% or 2.5% of earnings. Company will match those contributions up to 2.5%. Bereavement leave: 5 days for the death of an employee's spouse, common-law spouse, mother, father, children, brother and sister. 3 days for the death of a grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or guardian. Seniority – recall rights: 2 years for employees with at least 1 year of service, 3 years for em- ployees with more than 5 years

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