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3 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2017 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS < from pg. 1 Shift premium: $0.75 per hour for all hours worked after 6 p.m. Paid holidays: 12 days (previ- ously 13 days). Vacations with pay: 4% to start, 5% after 1 year, 7% after 5 years. Overtime: $35.34 per hour for all hours worked after 8 hours Monday to Friday and all hours Saturday and Sunday. $47.12 per hour for all hours worked after 8 hours Saturday and Sunday. Medical benefits: Seafarers' Medical Plan. $8.25 per job, per payroll day paid by employer into plan. Effective July 1, 2017, and each year thereafter, con- tributions increase by $0.15 annually. Pension: Seafarers' Interna- tional Union of Canada Pen- sion Plan. 11% contribution by employer. Bereavement leave: 7 days for death of mother, brother, sister, parents-in-law, grandparents. 10 days for death of wife, hus- band, children. Seniority – recall rights: 12 months. Probationary period: 90 days. Discipline: Sunset clause is 2 years. Severance: 5 days' pay for each year of service. Safety shoes: Steel-toed rubber boots will be supplied. $175 per year for CSA-approved safety boots. Uniforms/clothing: 2 pairs of coveralls, insulated coveralls, winter parkas, rain gear, leather gloves with leather-reinforced palms, oil-compatible gloves. Vision-adapted safety glasses will be provided. Mileage: $0.46 per kilometre, when no public transportation is available and employee must use own vehicle to travel to and from home. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, includes 3.5% in- crease): GP seaman: $23.56 Alternate GP M/A: $23.56 Editor's notes: Other conveniences: The following will be supplied by the employer: a suitable number of clean blan- kets, sheets, pillow cases, hand and bath towels, face soap, laundry soap or detergent (to be supplied at least once a week), an adequate supply of crockery, laundry facilities. Grocery allowance: $26 per day. Transportation costs: Maxi- mum $110, maximum $18 for meal. Marine disaster: Maximum $2,000 for loss of clothing or other personal effects. Crew accommodations: All quarters for employees are to be kept clean, tidy, lighted and ventilated. The company agrees to fumigate all quarters whenever it is necessary to free them of vermin. Crew's quarters to be painted when necessary. Seafarers' International Union of Canada Union hiring hall fund: Employer pays into fund $6.40 per job, per payroll day. UTILITIES Cameco Port Hope, Ont. (22 security guards) and United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (USW), Local 8562 Renewal agreement: Effective July 8, 2016, to June 30, 2019. Signed on July 8, 2016. Wage adjustments: Effective July 1, 2016: 2.25% Effective July 1, 2017: 2.25% Effective July 1, 2018: 2.5% Shift premium: $0.45 per hour for work between 4 p.m. and midnight. $0.65 per hour for work between midnight and 8 a.m. Time and one-half for regularly scheduled work on Sunday. Paid holidays: 10 days. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks or 4% after 1 year, 3 weeks or 6% after 5 years, 4 weeks or 8% af- ter 8 years, 5 weeks or 10% after 20 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for all hours worked after regu- lar hours. Double time for all hours worked after 12 hours in a 24-hour period; for work after scheduled hours on normally scheduled day off. Time and one-half for working a change in schedule without 48 hours' prior notice. Double time and one-half for hours worked after regular hours on a Sunday (if Sunday is a day off ); for more than 12 hours worked on a Sun- day, if scheduled to work. Meal allowance: Meal will be provided for employees work- ing more than 2 hours' overtime after regular shift, without prior notice. Medical benefits: 100% of pre- miums paid by the company. Dental: $1,775 per year maxi- mum. Orthodontics: 50% cov- erage, lifetime limit of $1,600 per person. Vision: $400 per person per year for eye glasses or laser sur- gery. $100 per person every 24 months (12 months for children younger than 18) for eye exami- nations. Paramedical: 100% of costs paid by the company for chi- ropractors, osteopaths. $750 per person per year for physio- therapy, chiropractor, massage therapy, psychologist, speech therapist, podiatrist, chiropo- dist, acupuncturist, osteopath, naturopath. STD: 75% of pre-disability weekly earnings, without EI carve-out. LTD: 70% of pre-disability regular monthly earnings, maximum $6,000 per month from week 16 to age 65. Benefit reduced by amount of CPP earned. AD&D: $72,000 in benefits paid. Life insurance: $72,000 cover- age for employee, $10,000 for spouse, $5,000 for each depen- dant. Pension: 6.5% of earnings de- ducted from pay, matched by employer. Bereavement leave: 4 days for death in immediate family (brother, sister, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, foster-parent, grandson, grand- daughter, stepmother, stepfa- ther, grandfather, grandmother, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, spouse's grandparent, spouse's grandchild, relative residing in employee's household). 30 days for death of spouse or child (in- cluding child of spouse). Seniority – recall rights: 36 months. Call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours' pay, double time if work is be- tween 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Mini- mum 3 hours' pay if employee given prior notice. Probationary period: 520 hours. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months. Severance: For more than 1 year of service, 80 hours times the hourly rate plus 40 hours times the hourly rate for each year, maximum 36 weeks. Uniforms/clothing: Will be provided by the company. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 4.8% increase): 1: $27.58 rising 2 steps to $28.90 2: $28.03 rising 2 steps to $29.38 3: $28.48 rising 2 steps to $29.85 4: $28.94 rising 2 steps to $30.33 5: $29.39 rising 2 steps to $30.80 6: $29.84 rising 2 steps to $31.28 7: $30.29 rising 2 steps to $31.75 8: $30.74 rising 2 steps to $32.22 9: $31.20 rising 2 steps to $32.70 10: $31.65 rising 2 steps to $33.17 11: $32.10 rising 2 steps to $33.64 12: $32.55 rising 2 steps to $34.12 13: $33.00 rising 2 steps to $34.60 14: $33.46 rising 2 steps to $35.07 15: $33.91 rising 2 steps to $35.54 16: $34.36 rising 2 steps to $36.01 17: $34.81 rising 2 steps to $36.49 18: $35.26 rising 2 steps to $36.96 19: $35.72 rising 2 steps to $37.43 20: $36.17 rising 2 steps to $37.91