Canadian Labour Reporter

July 31, 2017

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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2 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2017 Photo: Carlos Garcia Rawlins (Reuters) LABOUR LENS A demonstrator runs away while clashing with riot security forces during a strike on July 21, that was called to protest Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas. LABOUR BRIEFS FORMERLY CLV REPORTS Serving labour relations professionals since 1956 Published weekly by omson Reuters Canada Ltd. Subscription rate: $595 per year Customer Service Tel: (416) 609-3800 (Toronto) (800) 387-5164 (outside Toronto) Fax: (416) 298-5106 Email: Website: Director, Media Solutions, Canada Karen Lorimer Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Todd Humber Editor/Supervisor Sarah Dobson | (416) 649-7896 News Editor John Dujay | (416) 298-5129 Contributing Editor Jeff rey R. Smith Sales Manager Paul Burton | (416) 649-9928 Marketing Co-ordinator Keith Fulford | (416) 649-9585 © 2017 omson Reuters Canada Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher. e publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. e analysis contained herein represents the opinion of the authors and should in no way be construed as being either offi cial or unoffi cial policy of any governmental body. ISSN 0045-5113 Publications Registration 2089 Canadian Labour Reporter is part of the Canadian HR Reporter group of publications. Visit for more information. Labour Reporter Canadian Alternative Belting workers ratify agreement LANGLEY, B.C. — Members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), Local Lodge 692, ratified a new collective agreement on July 17 with Al- ternative Belting Enterprises in Langley, B.C. The one-year collective agreement provides wage in- creases of 9.37 per cent which will bring the employees' wage rate to $41.69 per hour, said the union. Other agreement highlights include: • an additional $1.38 per hour into the IAM Labour-Man- agement Pension, bringing the company contribution to $4.05 per hour on all hours worked • a $2,000 signing bonus. The 17 members consist of journeymen, specialists and belt technicians. Alternative Belting Enter- prises specializes in conveyor manufacturing, heavy duty belting, lightweight belting, belting installation and belting repairs for mining, construc- tion and forestry industries. NAV Canada, ATSAC sign contract OTTAWA — NAV Canada an- nounced that members of the Air Traffic Specialists Associa- tion (ATSAC) — which repre- sents about 650 flight service specialists — ratified a new col- lective agreement July 18. The agreement will run un- til April 30, 2019, and provides for wage increases, produc- tivity enhancing changes and premium adjustments, said the company. NAV Canada is a private, not- for-profit company established in 1996 that provides air traffic control, airport advisory servic- es, weather briefings and aero- nautical information services for more than 18-million square kilometres of Canadian domes- tic and international airspace. New Path workers in Barrie, Ont., approve deal BARRIE, Ont. — With 97 per cent voting in favour, the 86 therapists, counsellors and child and youth workers at New Path Youth and Family Services in Barrie, Ont., ratified a tenta- tive settlement reached with the employer on July 13. The agreement came just minutes before workers would have been in a legal strike or lockout situation, according to the Ontario Public Service Em- ployees Union (OPSEU). Workers had been without a contract since March 31. The employer offered a $700 gift card and refused to budge during talks, said the union. Scott Stratton, bargaining team chair, said a lump sum payment is not the same as a pay increase. "When you increase salaries by $700, we keep earn- ing that $700 every year. If we had taken a one-time lump sum payment, we'd have lost $14,000 over the next 20 years." The three-year offer hikes wages by 1.5 per cent in the first year, two per cent in the second year and 1.5 per cent in the third year, said OPSEU.

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