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7 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Meal allowance: Employee may claim overtime meal allow- ance, maximum of current meal per diem rates when working 2 or more hours before or af- ter shift and each additional 4 hours of overtime worked. Sick leave: Maximum 5 days after more than 3 months; max- imum 7 days after more than 2 years; maximum 10 days after more than 5 years. Bereavement leave: 5 days (previously 3 days) for death of spouse, same-sex partner, common-law spouse, child, stepchild, son-in-law, daugh- ter-in-law, grandchild, parent, spouse's parents, common-law spouse's parents, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in- law, any member of household considered to be part of im- mediate family. 3 days for death of aunt, uncle, grandparents, grandparents of employee's spouse or common-law spouse. Call-in pay: Minimum 3 hours' pay at double time. Probationary period: 6 months. Discipline: Sunset clause is 2 years. Severance: After 1 year of ser- vice: 1 week's pay per year. After 6 years of service: 2 weeks' pay per year. After 16 years of ser- vice: 3 weeks' pay per year. Mileage: $0.60 per kilometre. Sample rates of daily pay (cur- rent, after 6% increase): Technical A: $204.89 rising 3 steps to $217.43 B: $214.09 rising 3 steps to $227.19 C: $221.33 rising 3 steps to $234.87 D: $235.79 rising 3 steps to $250.22 E: $241.89 rising 3 steps to $256.69 F: $251.98 rising 3 steps to $267.40 G: $266.50 rising 3 steps to $282.81 H: $276.89 rising 3 steps to $293.84 I: $292.08 rising 3 steps to $309.95 J: $300.30 rising 3 steps to $318.68 K: $318.83 rising 3 steps to $338.34 L: $332.41 rising 3 steps to $352.75 Clerical A: $158.73 rising 3 steps to $168.44 B: $166.18 rising 3 steps to $176.35 C: $173.95 rising 3 steps to $184.59 D: $182.10 rising 3 steps to $193.25 E: $190.67 rising 3 steps to $202.34 F: $199.68 rising 3 steps to $211.91 G: $212.80 rising 3 steps to $225.83 H: $225.68 rising 3 steps to $239.49 I: $239.39 rising 3 steps to $254.04 Purchasing and materials A: $191.92 rising 3 steps to $203.67 B: $211.71 rising 3 steps to $224.67 C: $230.28 rising 3 steps to $244.37 D: $250.61 rising 3 steps to $265.95 E: $258.91 rising 3 steps to $274.75 F: $270.22 rising 3 steps to $286.76 Retail (hired before Jan. 1, 2017) A: $158.73 rising 3 steps to $168.44 B: $166.18 rising 3 steps to $176.35 C: $173.95 rising 3 steps to $184.59 D: $182.10 rising 3 steps to $193.25 E: $190.67 rising 3 steps to $202.34 F: $199.68 rising 3 steps to $211.91 G: $212.80 rising 3 steps to $225.83 H: $225.68 rising 3 steps to $239.49 I: $239.39 rising 3 steps to $254.04 Retail (hired after Jan. 1, 2017) A: $125.63 rising 3 steps to $133.32 B: $131.52 rising 3 steps to $139.57 C: $137.71 rising 3 steps to $146.14 D: $144.22 rising 3 steps to $153.05 E: $158.73 rising 3 steps to $168.44 F: $166.18 rising 3 steps to $176.35 G: $173.95 rising 3 steps to $184.59 H: $182.10 rising 3 steps to $193.25 I: $190.67 rising 3 steps to $202.34 J: $199.68 rising 3 steps to $211.91 K: $212.80 rising 3 steps to $225.83 L: $225.68 rising 3 steps to $239.49 M: $239.39 rising 3 steps to $254.04 Sample rates of annual pay (current): Sales associate: $57,500 Account manager: $69,000 Account executive: $75,000 Editor's notes: Lump-sum payment: $500 will be paid to all employees, except those in technical/trades group. EDUCATION Medicine Hat Public Library Medicine Hat, Alta. (52 library workers, technical service coordinators) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 46 Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2018, to Dec. 31, 2020. Ratified on Nov. 12, 2017. Signed on Dec. 6, 2017. Shift premium: $5 per hour for all hours worked (excluding overtime hours) between 9:30 p.m. and 8 a.m. Paid holidays: 12 days. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks to start, 4 weeks after 4 years, 5 weeks after 13 years, 6 weeks after 22 years, Overtime: Double time for all work after 8 hours per day or 75 hours per 2-week pay period. May be used as lieu time off, maximum 37.5 hours in bank. Medical benefits: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Dental: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Sick leave: 22 days per year or 0.085 hours for every regular hour paid. Maximum 250 days may be accumulated. LTD: Employee pays 100% of premiums. Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Pension: Local Authorities Pension Plan. Bereavement leave: 3 days for death in immediate family (current spouse, child, brother, sister, fiancé(e), grandchild, brother or sister of spouse, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, relative who is member of employee's household, parent, grandparent, parent of spouse, grandparent of spouse, ward). Spouse will also include any common-law relationship. Parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child, grandchild will also include step-relationships. 2 additional days for travel more than 300 kilometres one-way from employee's residence. 1 day without pay to attend a fu- neral to act as pallbearer. Seniority – recall rights: 12 months. Call-in pay: Minimum 2 hours at double time. Probationary period: 975 regularly paid hours or 6 months, whichever comes first. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months. Sample rates of hourly pay (current): Page: $15 LA 1: $21.14 LA 2: $21.85 LA 3: $22.57 LA 4: $23.27 LA 5: $23.97 LA 6: $24.66 LA 7: $25.36 LA 8: $26.08 LA 9: $26.77 LA 10: $27.48 LA 11: $28.18 LA 12: $28.90 LA 13: $29.56 LA 14: $30.28 Technical service coordinator: $33.20