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7 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS AUTO COMPONENTS Integram Windsor Seating Tecumseh, Ont. (970 production employees) and Unifor, Local 444 Renewal agreement: Effective Nov. 4, 2016, to Nov. 4, 2020. Signed on Nov. 7, 2016. Wage adjustments: Effective first pay period follow- ing ratification: 2% Effective Nov. 6, 2017: 2% Effective Nov. 5, 2018: 1.5% Effective Nov. 4, 2019: 1.75% Shift premium: $1 per hour for afternoon shift. $1.25 per hour for midnight shift. $1.25 per hour for starting early or stay- ing late on midnight shift. $1.25 per hour for starting early and $1 per hour for staying late on day shift. Paid holidays: 9 days. Maxi- mum 8 days off (including statutory holidays) during Christmas shutdown. Employer will pay for Chrysler Days at customer's Windsor assem- bly plant and such day will be observed on same day it is ob- served by customer. Additional 4 floating days per year. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks af- ter 1 year, 3 weeks after 3 years, 4 weeks after 10 years, 5 weeks after 15 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for all time in excess of 8 hours per 24-hour period or 40 hours per week or on Saturday. Dou- ble time for all work on Sunday. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death in immediate family (current spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepparent, stepsiblings). 3 days (excluding Saturday and Sun- day) for death of grandparents, spouses' grandparents, great- grandparents, grandchildren. Seniority – recall rights: 36 months. Call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours of pay. Probationary period: 90 work- ing days. Discipline: Sunset clause is 6 months for first-level disciplin- ary counselling matters, 12 months for others. Safety shoes: $125 per year. Maintenance department em- ployees will be subsidized for second pair of safety shoes un- der same terms for year. Sample rates of hourly pay (current): Assembler Start rate: $17.33 1 year: $17.33 2 year: $17.33 3 year: $18.57 4 year: $19.81 5 year: $19.81 6 year: $21.05 7 year: $22.28 8 year: $22.28 9 year: $23.52 10 year: $24.76 Utility Start rate: $18.28 1 year: $18.28 2 year: $18.28 3 year: $19.58 4 year: $20.89 5 year: $20.89 6 year: $22.19 7 year: $23.50 8 year: $23.50 9 year: $24.80 10 year: $26.11 Team leader Start rate: $18.95 1 year: 2 year: $18.95 3 year: $20.30 4 year: $21.66 5 year: $21.66 6 year: $23.01 7 year: $24.36 8 year: $24.36 9 year: $25.72 10 year: $27.07 Trim development and sewers Start rate: $17.33 1 year: $17.33 2 year: $17.33 3 year: $18.57 4 year: $19.81 5 year: $19.81 6 year: $21.05 7 year: $22.28 8 year: $22.28 9 year: $23.52 10 year: $24.76 Operator Start rate: $17.33 1 year: $17.33 2 year: $17.33 3 year: $18.57 4 year: $19.81 5 year: $19.81 6 year: $21.05 7 year: $22.28 8 year: $22.28 9 year: $23.52 10 year: $24.76 Inspector packer Start rate: $17.33 1 year: $17.33 2 year: $17.33 3 year: $18.57 4 year: $19.81 5 year: $19.81 6 year: $21.05 7 year: $22.28 8 year: $22.28 9 year: $23.52 10 year: $24.76 Material handler Start rate: $17.33 1 year: $17.33 2 year: $17.33 3 year: $18.57 4 year: $19.81 5 year: $19.81 6 year: $21.05 7 year: $22.28 8 year: $22.28 9 year: $23.52 10 year: $24.76 Q.A. coordinator Start rate: $17.94 1 year: $17.94 2 year: $17.94 3 year: $19.22 4 year: $20.50 5 year: $20.50 6 year: $21.79 7 year: $23.07 8 year: $23.07 9 year: $24.35 10 year: $25.63 Lab technician Start rate: $18.28 1 year: $18.28 2 year: $18.28 3 year: $19.58 4 year: $20.89 5 year: $20.89 6 year: $22.19 7 year: $23.50 8 year: $23.50 9 year: $24.80 10 year: $26.11 Crib attendant Start rate: $17.33 1 year: $17.33 2 year: $17.33 3 year: $18.57 4 year: $19.81 5 year: $19.81 6 year: $21.05 7 year: $22.28 8 year: $22.28 9 year: $23.52 10 year: $24.76 Janitor Start rate: $16.86 1 year: $16.86 2 year: $16.86 3 year: $18.07 4 year: $19.27 5 year: $19.27 6 year: $20.48 7 year: $21.68 8 year: $21.68 9 year: $22.89 10 year: $24.09 Editor's notes: Toxic materials: Toxic materials: For employees who are exposed to potentially harmful agents, employer will provide medical services, physical examination and other appropriate tests including audiometric and lung function examinations — at no cost to them — to determine whether health of such employees is being ad- versely affected. Toxic materials: For employees who are exposed to potentially harmful agents, employer will provide medical services to determine whether health is affected.