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SOCIAL SERVICES York Region Children's Aid Society Newmarket, Ont. (225 office, clerical, child-protection workers) and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, Local 304 Renewal agreement: Effec- tive April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2023. Ratified in April 2019. Signed on Nov. 12, 2019. Wage adjustments: Effective April 1, 2019: 1.75% Effective April 1, 2020: 1.5% Effective April 1, 2021: 1.5% Effective April 1, 2022: 1.5% Paid holidays: 16 days (in- cluding 5 f loat days). Vacations with pay: 1.67 days per month (20 days per year) to start, 2.08 days per month (25 days per year) after 9 years of service, 6 weeks after 18 years. 1 additional 7-hour day off in five-week period. Overtime: Straight time for hours worked beyond 33 3/4 per week (17.5 hours for part- time), time and one-half for every hour worked beyond 44 in week or on weekends or holidays. Can be banked as lieu time to be used within 3 months. After-hours em- ployees start work 30 minutes earlier (4:30 p.m.) and receive extra half-hour to overtime bank. Meal allowance: $100 per day when travelling on as- signment more than 160 kilometres from place of em- ployment. Reimbursement of dinner cost maximum $25 if working 3 consecutive hours of overtime (5 hours for after- hours staff ). Medical benefits: Employer pays 100% of premiums for extended and supplement health care plan. Employer will provide health spending account of $1,000 per year. Dental: Employer pays 100% of premiums. 50% of cost of orthodontic procedures and crowns, lifetime maximum $3,000. Vision: Employer pays 100% of premiums. $400 every 24 months for employees and adult dependants, maximum $300 every 12 months for dependants who are 18 and younger Paramedical: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Sick leave: 100% of salary for 1 day to start; 100% of salary for 2 days after 3 months of service; 100% of salary for 2 weeks, 66 2/3% of salary for 11 weeks, after 6 months of service; 100% of salary for 4 weeks, 66 2/3% of salary for 9 weeks, after 1 year of service; 100% of salary for 6 weeks, 66 2/3% of salary for 7 weeks, after 3 years of service; 100% of salary for 8 weeks, 66 2/3% of salary for 5 weeks, after 5 years of service; 100% of salary for 10 weeks, 66 2/3% of salary for 3 weeks, after 7 years of service; 100% of sal- ary for 12 weeks, 66 2/3% of salary for 1 week, after 9 years of service; 100% of salary for 13 weeks after 10 years of service. Pension: O.M.E.R.S. pension plan. Bereavement leave: 4 paid days for death of spouse, child, parent, stepparent, stepchild, aunt, uncle, grand- parent-in-law, sibling, parent- in-law, sibling-in-law, grand- parent, former guardian. Up to 2 additional days for travel if required. Seniority – recall rights: 12 months. Probationary period: 9 months (6 months if employ- ee is already authorized as child-protection worker). Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months for document of negative disciplinary nature; 18 months for letters of coun- sel. Severance: At least 1 month's notice in writing. Mileage: $0.49 per kilometre for staff using own car on em- ployer business. Sample rates of yearly pay (current minimum/max- imum, after 3% increase): Receptionist, records clerk: $43,458.96/$53,479.59 rising 2 steps to $44,772.51/$55,096.01 Administrative assistant: $46,708.45/$57,631.89 rising 2 steps to $48,120.21/$59,373.82 Administrative assistant legal services, access/drives coordinator, network techni- cian: $54,790.67/$67,942.95 rising 2 steps to $56,446.72/$69,996.53 Foster-parent recruitment/ post inquiry worker, place- ment coordinator, FIT work- er: $58,986.63/$80,009.72 rising 2 steps to $60,769.50/$82,428.02 Adoption court worker, adoption worker/disclosure worker, kinship services worker, after hours worker, foster-home development worker, intake worker, disclo- sure/family services worker, kinship care support worker, foster-care support work- er, family services worker, children services worker: $64,960.21/$84,625.83 rising 2 steps to $66,923.64/$87,183.64 Casual after hours worker: $11.46 per hour rising 2 steps to $11.80 per hour Editor's notes: Education leave of absence: Seniority accrues for first 3 months unless leave is required under new legislation. Long-term service bonus: Permanent full-time employees with more than 10 active years of service receive $750 lump-sum payment on first payday of July each year. Summer hours: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from first week of May to first Monday of November (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. normal hours). Medical notes: When employer requires employee to produce medical certificate or undertake medical examination or test, any expenses incurred will be reimbursed to employee by employer. Expense allowances: Employees when on assignment, required to travel and obtain accom- modation at least 160 kilometres or more from place of employment may apply and receive advance of $100 per day for expenses from which meals, accommodation, travel, ground transportation will be paid by employee. Snow tire funding advance: Employee may receive funding for cost of snow tires maximum total cost of $1,000 (total funding available in any fiscal year will not exceed $30,000). Long-term service bonus: $750 lump-sum payment on first payday of July each year. 7 Canadian HR Reporter, a HAB Press business 2020 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS