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worked if employer fails to give employees 72 hours' notice of change in workweek or commencement time of work. 8 hours of straight-time pay plus 1 hour of double time pay will be paid to employees who work full shift that begins between 10 p.m. on Saturday and 1 a.m. on Sunday, when fall time change occurs. $2.54 per hour (previously $2.49 per hour) for 8-hour and 7.5-hour shift employee working between 4 p.m. and 7 a.m. Effective 2023: $2.58 per hour. $1.55 per hour odorant handling bonus for employees performing odorant system maintenance and odorant tank fills, including verifying tank levels by opening tank. Effective Jan. 1, 2023: $1.58 per hour. Paid holidays: 11 days plus 1 civic holiday, but only in communities in which it is officially declared and to all employees regularly based in that community. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks or 15 days to start, 4 weeks or 20 days after 7 years, 5 weeks or 25 days after 16 years, 6 weeks or 30 days after 24 years. Maximum 5 days can be carried over up to March 31 of following year. Overtime: Double time for all work in excess of normal hours of work. Employees may bank overtime pay, maximum 5 regular days at any given time and cumulative total of 10 days within calendar year. Any banked hours remaining on Dec. 31 will be paid out to employee. Meal allowance: Employee will be provided with reason- able meal in third hour, and every 4 hours thereafter, for employees who work more than 2 hours of overtime beyond normally scheduled quitting time. Bereavement leave: 3 days for death in imme- diate family (relatives of employee or employee's spouse (including common- law): mother, father, sister, brother, spouse or common- law partner, son, daughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, grandchildren, foster- parent, ward or guardian of employee or spouse, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, other parent of employee's child (not residing in same household), steprelatives of same relationship listed, any dependant relative living in employee's household). 2 additional days for extended travel. Seniority – recall rights: 1 year after layoff. Call-in pay: Minimum 2 hours' pay at applicable over- time rate or pay for actual hours worked at applicable overtime rate, whichever is greater. Employees called out during 2 hours preceding normal workday or shift will be paid at applicable over- time rate for time worked until start of normal workday or shift. Employee will be provided with reasonable meal in fifth hour and every 4 hours thereafter. Probationar y period: 180 calendar days. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months for employee who has been subjected to disci- plinary action. Safety shoes: Employees will be reimbursed 100% of cost of purchase or repair of approved safety footwear, maximum $400 per 2-year period. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 1.75% increase): Electrician first-period: $31.68 rising 1 step to $32.24 Electrician second-period: $36.96 rising 1 step to $37.61 Electrician third-period: $42.24 rising 1 step to $42.98 Electrician fourth-period: $47.53 rising 1 step to $48.35 Electrician journeyman: $52.80 rising 1 step to $53.73 Mechanical services tech- nician first-period: $30.10 rising 1 step to $30.63 Mechanical services techni- cian second-period: $35.13 rising 1 step to $35.74 Mechanical services techni- cian third-period: $40.14 rising 1 step to $40.84 Mechanical services techni- cian fourth-period: $45.16 rising 1 step to $45.95 Mechanical services techni- cian journeyman: $50.18 rising 1 step to $51.05 Carpenter first-period: $30.10 rising 1 step to $30.63 Carpenter second-period: $35.13 rising 1 step to $35.74 Carpenter third-period: $40.14 rising 1 step to $40.84 Carpenter fourth-period: $45.16 rising 1 step to $45.95 Carpenter journeyman: $50.18 rising 1 step to $51.05 Machinist first-period: $30.10 rising 1 step to $30.63 Machinist second-period: $35.13 rising 1 step to $35.74 Machinist third-period: $40.14 rising 1 step to $40.84 Machinist fourth-period: $45.16 rising 1 step to $45.95 Machinist journeyman: $50.18 rising 1 step to $51.05 Auto body technician first- period: $30.10 rising 1 step to $31.33 Auto body technician second-period: $37.64 rising 1 step to $39.15 Auto body technician third- period: $45.16 rising 1 step to $46.98 Auto body technician jour- neyman: $50.18 rising 1 step to $52.20 Welder first-period: $30.10 rising 1 step to $30.63 Welder second-period: $37.64 rising 1 step to $38.29 Welder third-period: $45.16 rising 1 step to $45.95 Welder journeyman: $50.18 rising 1 step to $51.05 Editor's notes: Work away from home: Employee who is required to work away from employee's home base will be paid incidental expenses per night for all such nights away from permanent base: $8.60 per day (previously $8.42 per day) for 1 to 49 days; $21.08 per day (previously $20.61 per day) for each day away in excess of 49 days; $35.13 per day (previously $34.35 per day) for each day away in excess of 99 days. Effective Jan. 1, 2023: $8.75 per day per day for 1 to 49 days; $21.45 per day for each day away in excess of 49 days; $35.75 per day for each day away in excess of 99 days. Standby allowance: $40.01 for regular day; $104.48 for scheduled rest day/recognized holiday. Effective Jan. 1, 2023: $40.71 for regular day (previously $39.13); $106.31 for scheduled rest day/recognized holiday (previously $102.18). Double time for time worked in excess of 70 days if employee is scheduled to more than 70 days of standby in calendar year. Flex time: All permanent and proba- tionary employees will be entitled to 30 hours or 32 hours unscheduled paid flex time off in each calendar year. Unused time will be forfeited. Inspection certificate: Mechanical services technicians, foreman mechanicals who have valid Alberta vehicle inspection certificate will receive $25.44 per month. Effective Jan. 1, 2023: $25.89 per month. Employer will pay any fees associated with obtaining certificate. < from pg. 1 Standby allowance: $40.01 for regular day; $104.48 for scheduled rest day/recognized holiday. 3 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Canadian HR Reporter, a Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd. business 2021